YOU Choose How Big A Player Fear Is In Your Life

What’s holding you back from your goals, dreams, and vision for your life?

Fear, doubt, guilt, worry, stress, anxiety, and all the negative thoughts are just that. THOUGHTS. And all thoughts can be changed when we become conscious to our ability to choose.

Fear used to control my life but I’ve been learning to punt fear and embrace love. Love for the things I enjoy in life and the life I deserve to live. Love for my life and all the abundance within it.

The cool thing about fear is it’s a motivator, if you choose to see it that way. Fear can either paralyze you or fuel you. I’ve learned that it’s much more enjoyable using fear as motivator and to put my best effort into embracing fearful actions and experiences so I can grow past it and progress in all areas of my life.

It didn’t happen at first and fear still presents itself everyday. And it’ll never go away. The difference within me today is I choose how big a player fear is in my life now. It’s not that I don’t fear things, I’ve just learned to have faith in my life vision and the actions I choose to take in an effort to manifest what I desire.

I have faith that we all are capable of the lives we believe we deserve. Whatever you CHOOSE to focus on is what you’ll begin to see more of in your life.

Don’t believe me? Give it a try for 21 days, give it 100% effort, and be disciplined in your efforts. Start each day with writing down the things you want to see more of in your life and focus as much as you can on just those things. You’ll be pleasantly surprised in your findings. 💚✌️

-Josh P.