Easy Eating

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult. It can taste amazing too!

Here is a basic, easy, and nutritious meal you can prep and enjoy in a matter of minutes.

No crazy recipes or crazy kitchen tools needs.

Hormone-free & antibiotic-free baked chicken thighs in grass-fed butter, zucchini sautéed quickly in grass-fed butter and slices, and an avocado sliced up with some @redmondrealsalt and pepper sprinkled on top. And @jackie made a delicious savory spread on top of the chicken, but you’ll have to ask her for those ingredients 😉😍

Typically there would be more zucchini and some fermented food (for probiotics) on the side (kraut, pickled okra, kimchi, a @kevitadrinks etc.) but we have to grocery shop and I got @gardenoflife @davidperlmutter Dr. formulated probiotics to supplement 👌🏼

-Josh P.