Leaps of Faith

Grateful to have met @isaacstegman & taken a leap of faith to move away from BMX competition & performing full-time to starting my own business supporting others on their health & wellness journey.

In taking the risk of leaving my comfort zone of BMX after over a decade, I’ve hit the 1 year mark of a successful profitable business owner. I’ve manifested my own income & the ability to pay others for their support in the business.

I’ve also began speaking to share my story, beliefs, & the things I’ve implemented into my life in an effort to inspire new perceptive & actions taken in the lives of others in order to create the healthiest, happiest, & most successful versions of ourselves.

By taking opportunities like attending these @kaizenprocoaching business/personal masterminds, I’ve been able to connect with other successful people, contribute value, & grow as an individual in personal areas as well as with my business.

What’s amazing to me if how far I’ve come mindset wise. I started with the belief that in order to earn a great income, I had to work hard, not fully enjoy what I do, be capped with a fixed salary dictated by others, &/or couldn’t pursue a passion to earn an income I envisioned.

I’m just a kid from Cape Cod who grew up with just enough in my life to build a dream & envision a life I desired with the work ethic to play the cards I was dealt to the best of my abilities. No upper hand, no financial help (actually I grew up living pay check to pay check and it’s amazing I was given a bike by my dad & that my mom ushered me all around the country for BMX), no education other than a GED, & actually a ton of adversities (5 brain tumors, depression, abuse, living out of my car, closets, and on couches, and blowing out my knee to name a few).

I share this so others can see the possibilities for their lives, no matter how many odds are stacked against them.

If I can manifest my dreams to become a reality, and so much more, so can all of you.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️