The Goal Is Keto Adaptation

“What’s the difference between nutritional ketosis and keto-adaptation?

Nutritional ketosis is defined as an elevation of blood ketones above 0.5 mmol/L, a state that can be achieved fairly quickly either through fasting or the ketogenic diet. As it turns out however, the longer you sustain nutritional ketosis (i.e. the longer you have ketones circulating), the more benefits you can derive from it by becoming “keto-adapted”.

The human body is incredibly metabolically flexible in its ability to use different types of fuel sources, but transitioning from relying heavily on one to another, such as from glucose to ketones, can take some time since different fuels use different metabolic machinery!

Keto-adaptation, a term coined by low-carb expert Dr. Stephen Phinney, involves many separate pathways that ultimately leave your body optimized to metabolize fats and ketones. It is in this state where the benefits of ketosis can finally manifest. Studies suggest keto-adaptation is associated with spared lean muscle mass, efficient muscle glycogen recovery post-exercise, decreased uric acid clearance, enhanced mitochondrial function, and more!

So, while in the early stages of your ketogenic journey, you may be in nutritional ketosis by definition, keto-adaption can take weeks to months. Be patient…it’s worth the wait!

Join us in January to learn more about keto-adaptation at The 3rd Annual Metabolic Health Summit!!” @metabolichealthsummit

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️