How Does Ketosis Work

Ketosis isn’t a miracle or an end all be all. It’s not just a fat removal tool either.

It’s about the health and the integrity of our brains.

I share my belief of health being internal via my story and how I learned the hard way.

Keto can either be a tool or lifestyle depending on the indivisible and their goals.

That said, carbs are also not the problem. Over consumption and the wrong source and implementation are the problems along with lack of information and proper advice.

“In other words, carbs can be seen as a far dirtier fuel than fats. When you adopt a high-fat, low-carb diet and make the switch to burning fat and ketones for fuel instead of glucose, your mitochondria’s exposure to oxidative damage drops by as much as 30 to 40 percent compared to when your primary source of fuel is sugar, as is typical in American diets today. This means that when you are “fat adapted”—that is, when you have made the transition to burning fat for fuel—your mitochondrial DNA, cell membranes, and protein can remain stronger, healthier, and more resilient.” -Dr. Mercola

Think of burning fat as solar energy and carbs/sugar as a sample fire. Much cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable. When you run on dirty fuel, problems naturally occur.

And, yes, body composition improves when done correctly for YOUR individual needs and response.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️