Tampa 2-23-19

What an epic trip to Tampa with @ryanplowery meeting amazing people changing the world!

🔥Getting to share the stage with Ryan, @ketokarma @dannyvega.ms @spectrawellnesssolutions and @ecwestman, jet skis and beach, hanging with the @ketogeniccom crew, seeing a Lighting game, and so much more.

🙏🏼 Words can’t describe the level of gratitude I have for my life, all I’ve been through, all I’ll go through, the purpose I’ve found in my life, and the amazing people and times I find coming into my life by just following my heart and being me.

💚All of these people made me feel like family right away and that we’ve always been family and didn’t realize it.

🤓That’s what putting yourself in uncomfortable positions for a vision you believe in, that’s align with your purpose, and don’t stop grinding for the life you desire and deserve does for you.

💪🏽It may take time but deciding to rise above adversity, becoming conscious to the events life creates for you, being grateful for every single moment in your life (“good” or “bad”), pitting yourself our there, and building a tribe of loving and supportive people manifests the life you focus your energy on.

I am no one special. I don’t come from any upper hand. I didn’t have any advantages in my life than anyone reading this for the most part (I say this because I grew up with a family just making ends meet but somehow I got a BMX bike that changed my life).

I just created a vision, believed in that vision, and busted my ass to make it my reality.

If I can succeed and do the “impossible”, so can you. It’s all about perspective, choices, and perseverance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️