Seek Becoming Uncomfortable

I’ve fallen in love with seeking out what makes me uncomfortable.

It’s not about me, that’s why. It’s about the mission and my WHY, and the people on the other end of my actions I’m taking.

My mission started on self fueled by spite to prove others wrong. It’s not transformed to purpose to serve and support others in all areas of life.

I learned a ton along my journey that’s helped my health, happiness, and success but I learned it the hard way and had to be reactive.

I believe I had to take that route in order to change my perspective and actions but YOU don’t.

I’ve learned that we can be PROACTIVE once we have the tools and learn how to use them. That’s my mission. To share the tools I’ve acquired with the mind and body.

I wish I had these tools once I started my BMX journey but now I’m able to pass them down to all of YOU.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️