Subconscious Conditioning

Subconscious programming and conditioning are powerful.

I’ve seen it in many areas of my life now that I’m hyper aware of what it is and how it affects our goals.

Something like strength and condition training can bring any single able body benefit with their health and fitness.

But, we’re often conditioned to think otherwise for whatever reason it may be.

Being a professional athlete for over a decade, people assume I trained outside of my sport but that wasn’t true.

Taking care of yourself and wearing protective gear when you ride isn’t “cool” to a lot of people in BMX and it’s quite sad how I fell into the trap of caring what others thought for so long rather than what intrigued me and I wanted to explore due to being judged.

It’s funny because I get hated on so much now for all the positive changes I’ve made and share but I no longer care and is why I’m seeing so much success in my life.

I can’t thank @jciake and @coachmatthunter enough for all they’ve taught me and how far I’ve come thanks to them in terms of my exercise implementation and passion to do so.

Don’t let outsider noise and distractions control your desires and action, do YOU and remember we’re not responsible for others feelings and actions. Only our own.

Live your life, be aware of the subconscious programming you may be living with and break it down for the life you desire.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️