Where Our Focus Goes, Energy Flows

What are you focusing on?

Weather it be “good” or “bad”, what we focus on is what we train our subconscious to be on alert for. It may not be desirable but that focus takes time and energy, and leads to specific action, and this combination keeps us on track for whatever that focus is be it desirable or not.

If we are not happy with where we are in our life, we can focus on the action we take and if they truly align with our desires.

If not, make some changes to the actions so that they align with your desires.

I first became really aware of this concept as a teenager thanks to BMX.

If I want to do a trick for the first time and don’t invest time and energy to practicing that trick, how can I ever expect to do the trick? And if the trick isn’t working, I have to make some changes to my approach in order to get a new result.

Same in other areas of life, these changes take a lot of time and energy to be devoted to manifesting the desire.

It’s not easy but it’s real simple when we take a step back, reach out for support, and really audit our actions.

It sounds cheesy and cliche but it’s so true. The only reason we often don’t create this discipline in our life is because we don’t believe it works.

Once I committed to change and believing in my efforts, I started seeing massive shifts in my life in terms of success, health, happiness, and abundance.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️