Who Are You?

This quote works really well with this weeks Podcast. If you haven’t listened, check it out! The Grey Matters Podcast!

It’s ok to feel down, angry, sad, confused, lost, alone, and so on.

It’s not ok to judge others for how they respond to hardship in their lives.

We have to remember we are human and emotions come and go. It’s harder when a negative emotion arises from the death of a loved one.

When my younger brother passed last year, I was in a dark place questioning my own life. Asking myself things like “why does it matter if I live or die”? “Why should I bother doing anything anymore”? “Should I feel guilty about living my life and ever-smiling again”?

Being clear on our life vision and confident with our beliefs on life is key to not letting events affect how we feel, long term. Because when we experience an emotional state, it leads us to take action one way or another in our lives.

If we are in a negative emotional state, guess what, we’re probably not going to take the action we’re proud of. And, if we stay in this state long-term, that’s when life may not be how we imagine or want it to be.

Again, it’s ok to feel down immediately after a tragic event and there is no set time one must “get over it” even if others are saying so.

I am confident in knowing that those we love and lose wouldn’t want us to carry on feeling anything but the best we can and living our lives to the fullest in their honor.

I decided I was doing my brother an injustice to be depressed and waste the life I am fortunate enough to live. Instead, I bring his energy with me everywhere I go as I fulfill my purpose to help others.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️