Truth Will Set You Free

Ever heard the saying “the truth will set your free”? I felt confined most of my life with regards to speaking my truth to my fullest capacity.

This confinement lead to a gap between my truest self and what others perceived of me.

I suppressed my truth in various forms of my life during many experiences in different times.

The voice suppression began at a younger age with a violent and abusive step father that punished me in various forms for speaking out with how I felt, what I was thinking, and in general if it was a time that triggered his anger.

This voice suppression led into my adult years as I have realized I was conditioned to suppress my truth out of fear for getting hurt or being “wrong”. This conditioning almost killed me as I was 21 and let the medical authorities convince me that I was “fine” even though I was suffering on a daily basis until a concussion led to an MRI finding the cause- a brain tumor.

This conditioning led me to not showing up and expressing myself in my truest form, which affected many of my personal and business relationships.

This conditioning almost prevented me from sharing my truth around the ketogenic diet and lifestyle, which has allowed me to support many people around the globe with empowering themselves to improve their health and quality of life.

After a third brain tumor diagnosis, shortly after placing top 10 in the BMX World Series, I left my dream to speak my truth with no regard to anything besides the purpose of serving others around the world.

Since doing so, I’ve felt more free and have unlocked so much potential to do new things, reach more people, and learn more about myself.

I’ve made it my mission to inspire perspective in others that leads to owning their truth and speaking it as much as they possibly can while empowering themselves to be as healthy and happy as possible.

There’s no reason anyone should feel as if they don’t have a voice and it’s our responsibility to support each of our truths and voice to share that truth.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️