Ketones are NOT magic fat burning pills.

Conventional wisdom says glucose is the preferred fuel source for the brain /body but did you know that even in the presence of elevated levels of glucose, the brain, heart, & lungs will use ketones for fuel first?

What’s sad is that most of society doesn’t know how to unlock/activate them, or that they even exist within us or that we can consume them via drinking them.

The old way tells us that carbs are necessary & healthy, fat makes you fat, & experts continue to say the key to increasing health & performance is to eat less, move more, follow restrictive bland diets & lower your fat intake.

An important factor to know is that a natural byproduct of making energy from any food source & oxygen is the creation of chemicals called free radicals, which are normal & healthy as long as they stay in check.

Too many free-radicals are like pinballs bouncing around the cells causing damage & inflammation, which can lead to things like brain fog, declined energy & performance, fat accumulation & are the cause of major disease like diabetes, cancer, heart disease & so on..if not addressed. Carbs yield more free-radicals than fat/ketones do & carbs produce less ATP (our body’s’ energy currency) per molecule than ketones.

Ketones are a byproduct of burning fat.

Ketones are essentially powerful energy & signaling molecules. Think of them as little biological hackers that can reprogram your genes to work in your favor & at the same time they are like these little motivational speakers running all throughout your blood. Imagine what it would feel like to have that running through your veins during the day & how much better you’d feel.

Have you tried the new strawberry peach Keto//NAT from Prüvit​?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Are Abs Made In The Kitchen?

I believe nutrition is the majority of what manifest body composition one way or another.

That’s not to say we can’t get lean by training our asses off and eating poorly, because that was the case for me in the past.

What context lacks from that approach is internal health, which I learned the hard way after being accidentally diagnosed with a massive brain tumor during a concussion evaluation via an MRI.

We’re mislead to believe body composition improvements is all about eating less and moving more, energy balance. Calories in versus calories out, or calories stored vs burned for energy via dietary consumption and exercise.

No doubt, we have to intake calories (energy) accordingly to our goals but what’s rad is that we can shift our metabolism to running off of fat for fuel primarily, which allows ya to reach out body composition goals much more efficiently, effectively and enjoyably in my experience and my clients experience.

Exercise is the minority in this context when we talk about longevity and brian health. That said, exercise is a must in my opinion for overall health, strength (body and mind), and supplementing a healthy way of eating that’s aligned with the unfocused goals, which vary person to person.

This is a killer an workout to end a training session that has the abs engaged 100% and on fire to help them pop a bit more 💪🏽

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️