I’m NOT Special

We live in a world where we’re conditioned that giving up is normalized.

Conditioned to give into fear or not even begin going after our dreams because of others insecurity / past experiences of “failure” projected upon us.

April 16th, 2010, I signed over my life to the hands of a neurosurgeon & his team as I said goodbye & “I love you” to my younger brother & parents.

I was 21 years old & was responsible to sign off of all the profound risks of said brain surgery as a young adult, & the risks consisted of paralysis, going blind, having a stroke, or death as the top of what stood out & caught my attention.

As I sat there signing my life away, I remember this being the first time I truly experienced what life or death fear was like & the thought of dying, never seeing the people I love again, & never riding my bike again consumed me.

Not fear in the sense of thats “scary” or anxiety/worry. More like fear of actually dying & accepting this fact as they inserted the IV into my arm & prepared me for what’s to come with no looking back.

This moment in time where I accepted I may die was a turning point in my life in that something switched inside of me that no longer gave into fear of dying & I presented myself with a choice.

A choice to put my focus, & therefore my energy, into a worse case scenario I didn’t want. Or, a choice in the vision I desired after I woke up from surgery.

This choice to focus on my desired future-vision was a by-product of my being raised to work hard for the life I wanted & from BMX teaching me if you fall once, try twice if you want it bad enough.

This choice was a pivotal moment that would serve as fuel to overcome what was to come in the next 10 years leading to my reality today.

It taught me that so often do we make decisions disguised as fear to take the “easy route” rather than the route most would give up on.

I’m not special. I just made a choice to not give up. A choice to learn & grow.

A choice to prove to myself & others we’re capable of what we set our sights (internally & externally) on & the potential we all possess with a believe in ourselves.

What do you want to be true about your life?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

You’ve Been Through Worse

‪You’ve been through worse & are still here.

Remember you’re alive & each adversity is a gift. A gift sitting there waiting for us to learn from & to take….if we choose to do so.

Life is all about choices.

We choose to think what we think. Take away & give meaning to experiences in life.

React to others in a specific manner. Speak to others however we do.

Take action, or lack there of, however we choose to do so.

Believe whatever we have told ourselves or was suggested upon us.

And so much more.

At the end of the day…it’s a choice.

Maybe unconsciously, which is usually the case, but also consciously influenced by our emotions that are triggered by our perceptions of our reality & experiences.

We can see beauty in the world along with love & abundance, or we can see pain, lack, & struggle.

Either way, it is what we make it in our minds.

Why not make it worth your while & benefit you life moving forward?

Sounds simple & it is simple.

The difficult part of this is overcoming ones past/present self that’s been programmed by years of past experiences that are basically memorized emotional responses from input (thoughts and beliefs) that come about in our everyday life moments.

The brain is constantly scanning our environment for cues or signals to cross reference with our past to influence how we perceive an event which triggers the cycle of thought, emotion, & action that we’ve been conditioned to operate under.

So to shift perspective of ones reality is to challenge & overcomes ones current version or model of who “they are” & the life they live within the world they know it as.

You’re alive & are able to control your shift in focused thought.

Once you practice this more, learn more, & experience this shift, the more you’ll open your mind to new possibilities & see evidence of change in your putter world.

It starts with appreciating the fact that you’re alive & able.

Some people don’t wake up but you did.

So stop complaining or hoping for a new reality.

Shift your focus & intentions & see what changes.

Josh P. 💚👊🏼✌️

Fear Is An Emotional Response To A Thought

There’s a big difference between perceived threats/stress and actual threats to our life that create the thoughts of fear. There’s also a ton of similarity in terms of what each one elicits in regards to chemicals within our bodies that can become addictive and run our lives.

People ask me about my tattoo “fear is just a thought thoughts can be changed” a lot.

I figured I’d share with all of you.

It’s a reminder of empowerment.

Not many people ask me what went through my mind right before having open brain surgery to remove a tumor when I was just 21 years old.

Many may be surprised to know I felt less fear and stress in the moments right before surgery when compared to when I received the news of my diagnosis.

To me, fear is nothing more than a thought that’s often influenced by past experiences, past emotional memories, & future unwanted events when presented with perceived situations of stress in our lives.

What I’ve come to learn is that we’re often presented with situations that hold no true threat to our lives but the thought of fear is just as real thanks to the chemicals the brain produces in theses stressful moments.

Becoming conscious of this and redirecting focus and energy are key and are what allowed me to overcome every situation I have experienced with real or perceived threat to my life.

If it’s fear that’s holding you back from DOING something, it’s quite simple. Do you want the outcome that fear provides, or do you want the outcome your heart desires?

If it’s the latter, focus on what is it you DO WANT for your life and allign your thoughts, emotions, and actions with that outcome.

Fear is just an emotional response to thoughts we either create ourself or thoughts influenced by outside suggestions. It’s all the same, it’s a thought that manifests physically when given enough energy.

Knowing this is step 1 to empowerment. Making a new decision that serves you is the next step.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

The Cycle

I don’t believe in one over the other. Do you?

To me, they both have biologically responses and both affect our brain and physiology.

We have a choice in what we feed our brains and body every single day and both of these choices make up who we are.

If we are not happy or content with our current status of being, we can change it. Some don’t believe that to be true and find themselves stuck where they are happy. Sometimes they get inspired to make changes but it doesn’t last due to the underlying disbelief in their efforts.

When it comes to nutritional choices, I’ve come a long way and can assure you that you can make changes to better your health, performance and overall quality of life.

When it comes to the mental side of things, I had a deep rooted belief that I was always going to be broke, I wasn’t capable of “success” outside of BMX, and that I was going to work a job when I was done riding BMX professionally because I had no value to offer the world and was destined to work a job for someone else.

Once I began learning how both the mind & body really work, my perspective shifted in profound ways. I began to empower myself with tools to take back my health and to achieve success in other areas of my life like my relationships, starting my own business, my education, the ability to spread my message and purpose to support others around the world, manifesting amazing people and experiences in my life, and the list goes on.

What we choose to consume (food/beverage) affects our physiology and our brain, which in return affects our thinking. What we choose to consume in terms of content and time with people within our lives affects our thinking, which influences the choices we make nutritionally.

As you can see, it’s a cycle that continues until we’ve become conscious of it and make a choice to optimize areas of our lives we desire to do so.

I was one of the many to commonly say “I’m fine now, so why do I need to change”. Then, when I was 21, my life flipped upside down when I was told I may die of a brain tumor.

Change starts with consciousness, or awareness, and progresses with a desire to change and optimize choices.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Defined by A Vision Of the Future

Are you defined by your past or a vision for your future?

I struggled with overcoming who I thought I was that was molded by my past identity and personality.

I thought who I am was determined by what I did and experienced.

It wasn’t until I began learning about consciousness and our subconscious minds that I realized I was living my current life based on a past perception of my being.

In doing so, I was creating the same reality and one could predict how my tomorrow would look based on these actions.

When I began to understand this concept on a deeper level, I began to audit my thoughts, actions and emotions that were influencing the creation of my reality today and tomorrow.

It hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it to let go of the familiar past in an effort to focus my attention and energy on creating my future vision.

The mind is beyond powerful as it triggers the things we say, do and feel, all of which make up who we are in terms of our personality, which creates our personal reality.

By choosing to let go of who we think we were or the identity we’ve clinched onto for the familiarity of the “known”, we can grow the courage to step into the unknown where all the potential possibilities live for our future.

It hasn’t been easy to remove my past identity as I built over half my life based on it, but it’s been an amazing experience to see how much contribution I’ve given to others in the short time I’ve consciously worked on focusing my time, energy and resources to create a new version of myself build upon a future vision I’ve created based on purpose.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Purpose > Giving Up

Never in a million years did I think this was possible.

That I would be speaking to a crowd of hundreds to thousands of people I don’t know.

Especially with my insecurities of being “good enough” to speak on such a stage.

Or, my social anxiety of speaking with strangers and how they may judge me and my life decisions.

Or, thinking “who wants to hear what I have to say? I’m just a high school dropout that pursued BMX as a career option, overcame some challenges along the way, and am trying to find my way in life beyond my past identity as just a BMX athlete living with brain tumors”. That’s the thing about being on PURPOSE, though.

You overcome the mental challenges to pursue the mission at hand while finding yourself in situations you never fathomed being in.

In this case, my mission is to inspire new PERSPECTIVE in others that leads them to making the choice to step into their power of creating the best versions of themselves.

With that said, I find myself speaking around the world, making videos sharing my journey, experiences, passions and my TRUTH, and reaching out to strangers to have a conversation to what value I can provide and what perspectives/insights I can learn.

The last decade of my life has taught me 3 valuable pieces to life that I live by and am passionately sharing as much as I can:

– perspective is essential.

– Health is internal.

– our reality is a manifestation of our choices.

The more I focus on my purpose to serve others, the more the anxiety, fear, and overwhelm disappear but it’s a constant work in progress to do so.

As a former professional athlete and multiple brain tumor survivor, I find myself being incredibly hard on myself and thinking I could be doing more.

I’m learning this perspective is limiting my ability to fulfill my purpose on a archer scale and manifest my goals in an efficient and the least challenging way.

The fact that I get out of bed every day & don’t give up even when I feel as if I’m a failure, I can’t handle the overwhelm & stress, and think “why bother because no one would care either way”, is something to be grateful for.

If you haven’t given up, be grateful & see the value in that.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Perspective & NeuroChemicals

Perspective is all it takes to see the truth in this.

Think about this statement for a minute….gratitude is the key to abundance.

If we live with the perspective of “lack”, then we will feel and believe we have lack. If we develop a perspective of gratitude, we feel gratitude.

That’s how our subconscious mind works. It doesn’t decide what’s “good” or “bad”, or what we like and don’t like.

It can’t tell the difference from perceived or reality and with that, it triggers the release of chemicals in our body according to the thought that entered the mind.

These chemicals are addicting and are what lead to our actions.

Those actions bring on an experience, and that experience creates a story and emotion embedded into our brains that triggers the chemical cycle all over again with that action every time.

So if we think in lack and then take actions throughout the day that don’t serve us and our goals, we create this feeling linked to this thought over and over again.

We literally live as our past self and create our past as our future.

How do you think working every day to foster a perspective of gratitude would allow you to change your life?

If you felt a higher vibration of energy, would you be more inclined to act different and make new choices?

Would this “different” version of yourself and new choices being on new feelings, ultimately bringing you closer to the reality you desire?

I have found the answer to be YES.

No matter what we believe in (religion, spirituality, energy, etc.), how can we expect that source that gave us life to give us more of what we want if we’re not grateful for what we have right now?

The key to happiness and success is to feel what that desired outcome may feel like now.

This allows us to act, think and believe in ourselves and goals, ultimately manifesting what we focus our minds in and give energy to.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Basics To Moving Forward

It took 75 staples, 16 stitches and a 6hr brain surgery to get me on the path of perspective and having a perspective of gratitude for even the most common things we tend to over look.

How we choose to see the world leads us to take action one way or another, which determines our personality and creates our personal reality.

When we audit our perspective and redirect it in a manner that serves us, we can then create abundance in all areas of life.

That’s my belief today and I see it unfold more and more as I practice and share this belief with others.

You can choose to believe the world is conspiring against you or for you. Either way, you’ll get what you’re looking for so I suggest we all audit what it is we’re looking for and desire.

Our subconscious doesn’t care about what we “like” and “don’t like”, it just beloved whatever we tell it.

So if everyday we tell it we’re tired, upset, broke, sick, anxious, stressed, worried, etc., that’s what we’ll find more of and eventually believe based on how we fell.

This combination leads us to falling into the auto-pilot cycle that happens every day of our life and solidifies this belief more and more based on our thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Change your thoughts, audit your actions, and change up your routines that are not serving you any more.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Crest Your Building Without Tearing Down Others

Attempting to tear others down to build yourself up…not a good move.

It’s crazy to me how people (even adults older than me) are so insecure and afraid that they feel the need to try (key word, try) to tear others down for whatever reason it is they have deep rooted in themselves. And, to do it over social media to people that look up to them is beyond cowardly and equally hilarious. Funny how insecurity will reveal true colors of an individual. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Gary V always talks about “I don’t have to tear other building down to create my own” and I see the opposite in the scarcity minded so clearly now.

You can create your own building without tearing others down.

Be confident enough in your own being to construct your own life without spreading negativity.

If you’re that unhappy that you have to attempt to tear others down, audit your life and why YOU’RE unhappy and putting that onto others.

Have a great day, everyone!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Gratitude= Key To Abundance

Comment “yes” if you agree.

No matter what your belief is in which gave you life, how can you expect more if you’re not grateful for the life you have now and all that’s in it?

It’s not about being happy about the “bad” or having to be perfect. It’s not about ignoring that things happen that we don’t always want.

It’s about perspective and fostering a perspective of gratitude to be a living human being with an opportunity to manifest the life you envision for yourself.

It’s about being grateful to feel emotions of all kinds and to have the ability to breath.

No matter what you’re going through, 2 things:

1) someone has it worse.

2) shit could always be worse.

If you’re reading this right now, YOU won and have the ability to make your tomorrow better.

Shoot, you have the ability to make your immediate presence better NOW.

Rather than waiting for “this or that” to make you “happy”, choose to be happy now because YOU literally have all the control to do so. Nothing and no one else.

Once you take accountability for your life, accept your power and CHOOSE to own your life, you’ll see massive shifts occur.

It’s all a choice. Choice the life you want. Don’t let life happy to you.

Allow life to happen FOR you.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️