Make Em & Take Em!

Who wants to burn body fat for fuel while fueling their brains?

Despite following traditional theories of eating less and moving more being the way to burn fat, it’s quite the opposite if within the right context.

The truth is that when we can shift our body to run primarily off of fat for fuel, both dietary and body stores, we can efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably reach our goals with burning body fat.

Burning fat for fuel helps support many benefits to the human body.

🧠 optimizing brain health and performance.

🔥reducing inflammation and glycation (blood sugar damage).

💪🏽reducing the rate of aging (measured via telomeres).

🧬 supports epigenetics (change in gene expression, which “can be up to 70% of our genes” @drandind).

👌🏼 increased sustainable energy without hard crashes.

😎 improvements to body composition.

Keto isn’t a fad once you look into the science behind the underlining mechanisms being targeted to create so many desirable benefits.

The mitochondria are one of, if not THE, most important aspects of the ketogenic diet, or a state of ketosis, that brings on so much profound benfits to our health.

What’s interesting is as you adapt to a state of ketosis, your ketone levels begin to drop due to the body’s tissues soaking up the ketones to use for energy demands.

“It is well established that the cells’ uptake of ketones is proportional to the amount of ketones present in the blood.” Dr.’s Lowery & Wilson, Ketogenic Bible

That’s why #MakeEmTakeEm is so crucial to understand, depending on your goals and where you are with your keto journey. While we can reach deep levels of ketosis with the ketogenic diet, supplementing with exogenous ketones like @justpruvit is a must in order to get numbers up.

@justpruvit makes the only ketone on the market that you can buy, drink, and that is “naturally biologically active” Dr.’s Wilson & Lowery, Ketogenic Bible.

@ryanplowery @zonehalo @themusclephd @drandind @thomasdelauer are some to learn more from in this department.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️