One Choice

You have 1 choice.

That 1 choice is how you move forward each day with every single experience you encounter.

You can play small and make the easy choice to be a victim to your circumstance, or, you can dig deep, find the courage that we all possess, and choose to use the pain as fuel to move forward for the reality you truly desire and DESERVE.

I’ve learned that NO PERSON and NO THING can control our mind beyond us. We take in so much information every second it’s almost impossible to comprehend.

Over time, that information begins to make up our stories (codes) we live our lives by and these stories become our beliefs (filters) in how we see our lives and this leads to our values (motives) that govern our efforts.

If you have a story of being afraid of new things in order to feel safe and comfortable, adversity is going to be very difficult for you to move through due to the lens in which you see obstacles and challenges unless you recognize your story or code and make a choice to believe in this story or not.

Our stories, beliefs, and values make up our identity or who we believe we are. Who be believe we are when we say “I am…..”. If you’re not aware of what you CHOOSE to fill in after “I am…” then you are going to feel lost and afraid when challenges present themselves in your life or this may make sense as you reflect on your past challenges or adversities.

The moment I realized my stories, beliefs, and values on a conscious level, I was able to choice if I believed they served me or not which allowed me to change who I saw myself as and who I believe I was.

I’m doing so, I’m been able to overcome some incredible challenges that I don’t wish upon anyone.

Understand this, you’ve overcome all your toughest obstacles to this point. You’re stronger than you may believe and you’re capable of changing any aspect of your being if your intention is clear and strong enough.

That’s what MITO is all about – it’s finding your Massive Intention To Optimize.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️