Unconscious Alarm Systems

Having trouble feeling grateful 100% of the time?

Welcome to the club of being a human being.

It’s unrealistic to feel the way we what every second of every day and that expectation leads to pain and suffering.

What helps shift into that desired elevated state of gratitude is PERSPECTIVE.

Perspective is being proactive about your state of being and taking a step back from the lack you are currently experiencing and recognizing while deeply believing that no matter what the circumstance is leading you to feeling anything but grateful that it could ALWAYS be worse. “Bad” things happen out of our control and there is no denying that. What we also CAN NOT deny is how we respond moving forward from experiences out of our control- that’s our responsibility as conscious human beings.

We as human beings choose to suffer chronically, though, due to our thoughts focusing on the things we don’t like, the things we don’t have, or the fears we have been conditioned to live by.

Pain is inevitable but suffering is an unconscious or sometimes conscious choice.

If you are not feeling grateful and want a tip to feel grateful, remember YOU WOKE UP. Start there!

Beyond waking up, know you’ve overcome all you’re most challenging struggles to get to where you are and are capable of more than you may currently feel in the moment.

Finally, it’s important to recognize that whatever it is you’re experiencing could always be worse or get worse.

Catching yourself in the cycle of thoughts triggering emotions (state of being) that doesn’t serve you is EVERYTHING because once aware, you can begin making changes towards what you want your future to feel, look, and be like.

I call this my “unconscious alarm” for negative self talk / thoughts.

Josh P. 💚👊🏼✌️