Change Starts With You

Be the change YOU want to see is my way of saying “walk your talk”.

I believe a change in perspective to what makes up true health and well-being is needed. I’ve believed this for about 7 years once my perspective shifted.

I learned the change we want to see starts with YOU first. It then begins a ripple effect that is spread to others in and out of our lives. We can’t expect change to take place in others if it’s not been changed within ourselves first.

I’ve taken my interests in holistic health and my experiences battling brain tumors and major injury and combined them into a business where I share my passion in an effort to help others in their journeys to becoming the healthiest and happiest possible. It took being told I’d die to change my perspective and open my mind to new ways of living. I’m grateful for my journey and where it’s led me to today. 💚✌️

– Josh P.