Small Shifts

(Day 3) 21-day Meditation/ New Habit Challenge. 3 downwhip 📸 by @jciake. This trick took me a while to learn and took a simple shift in what I was doing to make it click one day.

Small shifts in life can lead to large changes. Too often do we focus on major changes expecting major outcomes in our lives when all it really takes sometimes in one small change. What we often forget is that these small shifts can snowball on top of one another leading to larger and larger changes.

Whatever the new outcome you desire in your life is, it all starts with new shifts/changes in your immediate life to start seeing new outcomes manifest.

That said, if you’re unhappy with where you are in life then start looking at small shifts you can make in your day as well as focus on being grateful for the life you currently have, living and eating as healthy as you can, and don’t ever stop taking action.

-Josh P.