Not happy with your life and want a “better one”? Be grateful you even have one first.
It’s ok to not enjoy where you currently are in life. It’s ok to want more. It’s ok to want to progress with any and every aspect of your life. It’s ok to strive to become better and better every day.
But, I find it much easier, effective, and quicker to obtain the life you desire once your first become GRATEFUL for the life you live today. No matter what your reality is, shit could always be worse.
I was 21 and had just made my dream become a reality, living as a professional BMX athlete and training with the best in the world. That’s when I was told I had a massive tumor taking up the left side of my brain. Not gonna lie, at first I thought I was dead then that shifted to fear, anger and a victim mentality of “why me” and ” what did I do to deserve this”?
After the emotional roller coaster, I shifted my perspective to gratitude to still be alive and to become a survivor that turned all the negatives into fuel to continue living my dream no matter what!
When you can shift your perspective from lack, fear, craving, and greed to gratitude, the path reveals itself and it becomes a hell of a lot easier and sweeter. 💚✌️
-Josh P.