It Took A Death Sentence

What changes can you make in your life to stop “suffering” and falling down on a regular basis from the same patterns and habits?

Sometimes it takes falling down to show us the changes we need to make.

As a BMX athlete, I’m no stranger to falling down and BMX has taught me to get back up and try again.

It took more than a fall for me to learn the changes I needed to make in my life. It took a death sentence to wake up and audit my life and how I was living it.

I’m grateful for that moment because it saved my life, showed me the strength I have within, which we all have if we choose to see it, and it turned my life around 180°.

The changes I saw that NEEDED to take place were what I put in my body, what I did with my body (exercise outside of just BMX), what I thought about and how I spoke to myself and others, and what I could do to give back to the world rather than looking at life as in “how can I gain from this?”.

You can learn more by listening to my appearance on the @thebackpocketpodcast! 💚✌️

-Josh P.