Next flight: 10hrs to Honolulu, Hawaii and here is what I brought for if/when I get hungry on the flight as well as some for the 4 days I’ll be there along with what I will buy from the grocery store (avocados and full-fat coconut milk in the can). I also have my vitamins, probiotics, magnesium, and more fish packed with me
“Josh, I can’t eat KETO/ healthy because I travel for work”.
“Josh, I can’t eat KETO/healthy while flying”.
“Josh, eating KETO/healthy is too expensive and hard”.
These are some excuses I’ve had in the past and I commonly hear from people.
You know what YOU CAN do? Drop the excuses!
You know what is expensive? Cancer, disease, missing work, meds, surgeries, doctor visits, and hospital bills.
You know what is hard? Suffering on a daily basis, being sick, being inflamed, being overweight, headaches, watching your loved ones struggle mentally and physically, dealing with cancer and/or surgeries that could have been prevented, or even seeing your loved ones pass away from something that could be prevented.
It all comes to down to one simple question. Do YOU care about yourself and those that love you?
If you said “yes”, then you can make the choice to ditch the excuses, reach out for help, and become the change you want to see in your life and the world. If I can make the choice after where I came from in terms of poor food, soda, and alcohol consumption, YOU can too! Trust me.
Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, and putt cravings at bay all while worrying less about food and being less at risk for disease?
-Josh P.