My client, Joe Curcuru, is an amazing person all around and is killing it! I am beyond grateful to be in his corner and to see his face light up every week we meet. 🙏🏼
Matt Arthur aka @919Spine introduced the two of us while crossing paths to get adjusted one day about 2 months ago.
He told me about Joe’s amazing transformational story of removing 50pounds or so in 6 months by cleaning up his eating and getting his butt in the gym.
Joe was very curious about KETO and we sat down for a conversation and decided to work together to create some more progress.
Joe wanted to progress with his success and continue improving the health of his brain at the same time. He’s now down ever more fat mass, up in lean muscle mass, down in visceral fat (dangerous fat around the organs), can go 16-18hrs without food effortlessly, last week of type-2 diabetes medication, and overall happier and energized. 🙌🏼
Joe has a similar beginning to a lot of people out there and Joe wants them to know if they truly want to change, they can if he can.
I’m honored to be apart of his journey and share his success with all of you to hopefully inspire even just one of you to make a change and/or reach out to someone like myself for support. 🙏🏼
Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat, gain more energy, improve sleep & recovery, clear up inflammation & digestive issues, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?
Hit me up!
-Josh P.