Words Mean Nothing

“Words mean nothing. Actions mean something. Patterns mean everything.” Isaac Stegman

We’ve all verbally shared what we aspire to do or who we aspire to become. Some have taken action. Few have created patterns of actions that align with their words.

I’ve been there many times as I’m sure we can all relate to.

New Years “Resolution” ring a bell, anyone?

Through my experiences, I’ve built a belief around walking my talk or it’s just that. Talk, which is easy for us to do. What separates those from talking about goals & dreams and those who crush their goals and live their dreams is DOING.

Not just DOING but DOING with purpose and clear intent, and creating habitual patterns. Doing the hard things we know will benefit us.

“Doing hard things defines & refines character. Character is who you really are” Isaac Stegman

One of the patterns I’ve created that’s brought such profound benefit to my life is a morning routine.

Isaac shared “the Miracle Morning” with me as a way to “win the day” by noon and one of the acronyms from the book is “SAVERS”.






S-cribe (write/journal)

By creating discipline in my life, I’ve seen profound transformation in my health, time, and business ultimately having a more profound impact on others.

This approach to “win the day” before noon also sets me up to be in integrity with myself, which allows me to show up as my true authentic self around others.

Today’s workshop has shown me that we all experience pain one way or another: through discipline or regret.

I’d rather not regret what I could have done.

How about you?

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️