Only those who doubt themselves doubt others.
Ignore the noise and don’t stop working for what you want in your life.
YOU choose what information you let in and settle within you.
I’m a high school drop out that manifested success in a very unconventional route (BMX) in a career sense for over a decade and then went on to build a business of my own helping change others lives.
Had I listened to those saying “it wasn’t possible” back in high school and even along the way, I wouldn’t have helped as many people as I have and continue to, wouldn’t have lived my childhood dreams, and I wouldn’t have created new dreams I’m pursuing / living.
Audit your consumption of content (news, friends, family, social media, etc.) and limit or eliminate your exposure to create a positive environment of support.
No matter how difficult it is, there’s no excuses for why we’re not where we want to be or on the path to changing what we want changed in our lives.
One life. Design, lead, and love it.
Josh P. 💚🧠✌️