Fat, Sick & Tired

Sick and tired of being fat, sick, and tired?

Want a new reality?

Sure, then you MUST make changes to your day and the choices you make.

If you want to reduce body fat so you can reduce risk of disease, increase energy, have a clearer mind, and sleep/recover better, then keto can be a very helpful tool or lifestyle that has so many applications.

Rather than focusing on “what I can’t have”, like most “diets”, focus on “all the food I can have”.

The problem with “I can’t have bread?”, “I can’t have sugar?”, or “I can’t have pasta?” is that it addresses 1, a resistive mindset and 2, an addiction to sugar that goes missing often in today’s society.

Once you take a few days to put the effort in to drop the cravings and addiction, your world becomes so much clearer and you feel better!

Of course, key composition improves too but what’s most profound is how your brain will function.

Yeah, it may be tough but it’s not hard or impossible.

Hard is dealing with cancer.

Hard is dealing with someone you care about suffering day in and day out without understanding they CAN MAKE changes.

Hard is having your quality of life taken down due to poor information circulating, which leads to poor choices in your day.

If it were easy, everyone would do it!

What’s cool, so can YOU! If, you decide to make the change and believe you can, which anyone with the will to change can change and that’s where I come in as a coach and support system for anyone that takes my offer to join their team.

Thanks to @ketogeniccom for this helpful shopping guide to a ketogenic lifestyle.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️