BMX vs. Training

It took multiple brain tumors and a torn ACL to lead me on this path today.

There’s a tremendous amount of support for our BMX riding that’s developed outside of riding.

2 of the most profound areas are in the kitchen and in the gym.

I learned the hard way and I wish I jumped on the fitness and nutrition train much sooner in my career.

I know it’s easy to think “I’m fine, why bother?” or “I’m not fat, I don’t need to watch what I eat or workout”. The truth of the matter is, health is internal and declined health occurs over a long period of time but can also occur at a younger age as I experienced.

I was 21 when I was accidentally diagnosed with a massive tumor in my brain and was told I may die.

It took that wake up call to really audit my actions in life and consider what levels i wanted to take my life and career too.

I’m succeeding more than I ever have today at 30 years old and I owe it all to that crash in 2010 that led to the first brain tumor diagnosis.

Now, I do all I do to help others work smarter and not harder. Become proactive rather than reactive.

You get one life, live it the best you can and live up to your full potential.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️