Danny Reflection 7-2-19

Not a day goes by I don’t think of how much I miss my brother and all the things I’d go back and do to prevent him not being here today.

I’m just thankful I have moments like this captured on video and the fact that he lives on through my words and actions while I carry his ashes on my wrist in my bracelet everywhere I go.


Moments of reflection like this challenge my beliefs of being a human but also has me considering the quantum perspective of life more and more. I’ve never really considered such dark thoughts in my life before my brother passed. The feelings of regret, “survivor guilt”, anger, sadness, love, confusion, “what if”, resentment, etc. consume me on a regular basis.

I try my best to channel it all into my efforts to serve and support others and it’s tough. I bury a lot of it in at times but damn does it get me at other times.

I love you, Danny.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️