There’s a big difference between perceived threats/stress and actual threats to our life that create the thoughts of fear. There’s also a ton of similarity in terms of what each one elicits in regards to chemicals within our bodies that can become addictive and run our lives.

People ask me about my tattoo “fear is just a thought thoughts can be changed” a lot.
I figured I’d share with all of you.
It’s a reminder of empowerment.
Not many people ask me what went through my mind right before having open brain surgery to remove a tumor when I was just 21 years old.
Many may be surprised to know I felt less fear and stress in the moments right before surgery when compared to when I received the news of my diagnosis.
To me, fear is nothing more than a thought that’s often influenced by past experiences, past emotional memories, & future unwanted events when presented with perceived situations of stress in our lives.
What I’ve come to learn is that we’re often presented with situations that hold no true threat to our lives but the thought of fear is just as real thanks to the chemicals the brain produces in theses stressful moments.
Becoming conscious of this and redirecting focus and energy are key and are what allowed me to overcome every situation I have experienced with real or perceived threat to my life.
If it’s fear that’s holding you back from DOING something, it’s quite simple. Do you want the outcome that fear provides, or do you want the outcome your heart desires?
If it’s the latter, focus on what is it you DO WANT for your life and allign your thoughts, emotions, and actions with that outcome.
Fear is just an emotional response to thoughts we either create ourself or thoughts influenced by outside suggestions. It’s all the same, it’s a thought that manifests physically when given enough energy.
Knowing this is step 1 to empowerment. Making a new decision that serves you is the next step.
-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️