
“All are welcome to Raleigh, NC”

All are welcome to my life journey as a BMX athlete fighting 4 brain tumors.

Hi, my name is Josh Perry! I share my journey as a BMX athlete, brain tumor survivor & fighter, holistic health coach, and public speaker.

My mission is to empower and inspire people ready for change to take ownership of their choices and realities, leave behind physical and mental pain, and transform themselves into the change they want to see in the world so they can have more confidence, sustainable energy, clarity within their life, and attract more success.

I use my passion, perspectives, experiences, and expertise to help others become the healthiest, happiest, and best versions of themselves. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake

Always True

I’ve been fortunate to have not had a 9-5 in over a decade, right out of high school to be exact.

My journey began mowing lawns and learning the business to start my own one day. At the same time, I was making a name for myself in the BMX world as I won local and regional competitions. The desire inside of me to pursue a childhood dream grew more and more, and the reality of that life started to feel deeper and deeper.

An ultimatum from my landscaping boss to pick between a life changing contest or his business is what did it for me.

I made a decision to take a leap of faith for something I knew deep down would fulfill me and lead to an extraordinary life.

Little did I know what journey that decision to jump for my dreams would take me on. That decision showed me the world, saved my life in more than one way (biggest was was revealing a brain tumor after a bad crash one day), and led me to the lifestyle I lead today.

That decision showed me more about myself than I ever fathomed learning, led me to new passions, showed me my core values to help serve others, and developed my personality and mindset I share with all of you.

The @alwaystrueco message aligns with my life mission and I’m grateful to have their support. I’ve reflected back to every moment of my life with input from my family to see that I’ve always stayed true to my heart’s desires and taken action to manifest those desires into my reality without loosing sight of who I am. 💚✌️

📸 @jciake

-Josh P.


Repost from @ketogeniccom 🙌🏼

They say keto is just a fad.

They say keto is dangerous.

They say keto isn’t good for athletes.

They say a lot, as I’ve mentioned before, but rarely do they say things backed by personal experience or proper education on the topic.

Now, I’m not saying I know everything there is to know about ketosis because that’s impossible and even the leading researchers agree. I’m saying that aketo lifestyle patterns (diet, fitness, and mindset) is extremely beneficial for most of our healths, even life saving to some.

When you hear about people trying keto and either faking off the wagon or saying “it didn’t work for me”, it’s typically because they didn’t transition properly, they didn’t fully commit and track their intake, they rushed the process, they chronically trained with their heart rate too high, they were in a stressful time of their life, and so many other variables.

Folllwing a high fat / low carb diet for 4-5 years now since reading @davidperlmutter book “Grain Brain”, I’ve adapted to fat for fuel very well. That said, the transition to keto had a few attempts that went well and not so well. Once I read @marksissonprimal book “The Keto Reset Diet”, I sorted out why it didn’t go so well and actually transitioned extremely well without seeing losses in my BMX training or training at @athleticlab. Even my chiropractor @919spine follows a keto lifestyle 🙌🏼

I originally followed a high fat/ low carb diet for brain health and optimization, then I found out of its tumor/cancer affects and is one of the reasons the 2 new tumors I was diagnosed with in 2017 didn’t progress – without treatments or surgery. Just diet & lifestyle! 💯🙏🏼

-Josh P.

Easy Eating

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult. It can taste amazing too!

Here is a basic, easy, and nutritious meal you can prep and enjoy in a matter of minutes.

No crazy recipes or crazy kitchen tools needs.

Hormone-free & antibiotic-free baked chicken thighs in grass-fed butter, zucchini sautéed quickly in grass-fed butter and slices, and an avocado sliced up with some @redmondrealsalt and pepper sprinkled on top. And @jackie made a delicious savory spread on top of the chicken, but you’ll have to ask her for those ingredients 😉😍

Typically there would be more zucchini and some fermented food (for probiotics) on the side (kraut, pickled okra, kimchi, a @kevitadrinks etc.) but we have to grocery shop and I got @gardenoflife @davidperlmutter Dr. formulated probiotics to supplement 👌🏼

-Josh P.

Success Is A Choice

Success is neither created nor destroyed. Success is a choice. A mindset. A matter of perspective.

YOU choose what Success looks like for your life.

YOU choose what actions to take in life in order to make success apart of your reality.

YOU choose to become a survivor in times of hardship or, YOU choose to become a victim and lay down and give up on the life you desire.

Hi, my name is Josh Perry and I’m fighting 4 brain tumors. I’ve been fighting for 8 years throughout my career as a BMX athlete.

Reflection is great because I can look back and see how the path I chose was the one I loved and the one that would save my life.

March of 2010, I fell and hit my head that led to an MRI revealing the first brian tumor taking up half of my brain. If it wasn’t for that crash, I wouldn’t be here today.

I could and can easily choose to become a victim and complain about how “hard” or “unfair” life is and I wouldn’t have judgment from anyone other than my own network of support that knows that’s not an option for me.

The point is, I chose and choose to be a survivor and create the success I desire by taking non stop action every single day that aligns with and leads me closer to the life I envision for myself. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Focus Is Everything

What we focus on is what we tend to attract in our lives.

I’ve learned this all too well, on and off my bike.

It’s easy to be distracted from our vision due to things like fear, worry, stress, or doubt in the form of thoughts, procrastination, self-sabotage, convincing ourselves it’s not possible, or aimlessly entertaining ourselves with any form of media.

Sometimes these distractions are externally suggested but too often do we create these distractions internally.

If we focus on taking action towards our vision, then the distractions and negative suggestions seem to not be an option anymore, and the results that come from taking action leads us closer and closer to making our vision our reality.

If you have a vision for your life, be aware of your focus.

If we’re finding ourselves experiencing negative emotions and thoughts, “failures”, or not seeming to be gaining any form of traction towards our vision, we must check our focus and see if our focus and actions are aligned with what we say we want in our lives. 💚✌️

-Josh P.


They said you’re not “cool” if you train.

They said “you don’t need that”.

They said “you’ll bulk up”.

They also said “BMX isn’t a sport, so why train”?

They say a lot but learned the truth the hard way…blowing out my knee in 2013. Since then, I’ve improved on and off my bike in so many ways thanks to training, and I haven’t “bulked up” even tho I lift. I’ve just got stronger and leaned out, which is largely contributed to my diet.

I’ve also learned the affects and importance training has on the brain. So, if you want a healthy, resilient, and happy brain, I suggest fitting exercise into your weekly routine.

I’m not saying everyone has to train like an athlete to be healthy, but I believe regular exercise is a must for any living human capable of exercising.

I love the gym and BMX for exercising, and they compliment one another very well. I am grateful for my last mistakes and hardships because it’s taught me what to prioritize and WHY today. 💪🏽💚✌️

-Josh P.

Do What You Love

What do you do on a regular basis that you love?

I’ve been riding BMX for more than half my life and I still love it.

I’ve made a living from riding my BMX bike since I was 17 years old, have traveled the world, met amazing people, and it’s al led me to where I am today. It’s given me the strength to over 4 brain tumors, a blown out knee, depression, heartbreak, abuse as a child, stress, worry, etc.

It started with a dream that manifested by taking action. Affirmations, meditation, and visualization works ONLY if action is being taken.

I’m grateful I pushed through the fears, doubts, injuries, “failures”, worry, stress, anxieties, and times I felt at my worst because it made me into who I am today. It also gave me new perspectives and appreciation for my life, talent on my bike, and the opportunities and experiences that have come into my life.

The one thing I’ve learned that I value the most is the power we all posses to create the life we want with CHOICES. You choose how to move forward every single day and that’s going to determine your reality and your future. So, CHOOSE a path out of inspiration and love rather than fear. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

My Life Vision

My vision is to empower people to live as healthy and happy as possible and to create faith, inspiration, and support through sport (BMX), education, partnerships, and storytelling.

I see myself traveling the world speaking and writing a book to share my story, my experiences, my belief in holistic brain health, the importance of recognizing that we have 2 choices in life and they are to become a survivor or become a victim in life and to share what’s helped me in my life.

I see myself performing BMX stunt shows in combination with speaking at my touring BMX/wellness event that empowers and supports those in need.

I see myself growing my health coaching business around the world via the internet and word of mouth to inspire the change I want to see in the world of people feeling empowered to live the life they desire while being as healthy, abundant, successful, and happy as they possibly can.

I see myself having a home by a lake in the mountains of Colorado or North Carolina with my lovely girlfriend, Jackie, with a home office surrounded by big open windows with lots of sunlight.

I see myself continuing to train in the gym and on my BMX bike.

I see myself continuing to create inspiring and empowering content teaching others that fear is just a thought and thoughts can be changed, the importance of prioritizing the health of our brains via the foods we consume, exercise we participate in, and the thoughts we foster, and that we are capable of manifesting any life we focus on.

I do this because I believe we all deserve the life we desire. I do this because I love helping others succeed in life. I do this because I don’t want others to suffer as I was and have such a catastrophic event take place in their life that opens them up to the changes they can make in their lives to be healthy and happy. I do this because I believe I have gone through what I have to show myself an others what is possible in life when we believe in ourselves.

I believe in myself to create this new life vision that has been within me my whole life because I know what I focus on I manifest, and I manifested a life I envisioned when I was younger and am capable of doing it again with a higher purpose of serving others in the world

-Josh P.

Learning The Hard Way

They said you’re not “cool” if you train. They said “you don’t need that”. They said “you’ll bulk up”. They also said “BMX isn’t a sport, so why train”?

I learned the truth the hard way…blowing out my knee in 2013. Since then, I’ve improved on and off my bike in so many ways thanks to training.

I’ve also learned the affects and importance training has on the brain. I’m not sharing everyone has to train like an athlete to be healthy, but I believe regular exercise is a must for any living human capable of exercising.

I love the gym and BMX for exercising and they compliment one another very well. 💪🏽💚✌️

-Josh P.