Public Speaking

When you’re off self and on purpose.

This BMX part of me has saved my life, shown me the world, led me to incredible people I consider family, given me amazing opportunities and experiences, and gave me a voice and outlet for my own creativity.

BMX has also brought me a lot of pain and “failure” that has allowed me to grow and become the best version of myself. That wasn’t without the conscious choice I made to push past any fear, pain, worry, and doubt.

I was fortunate enough to receive a bike when I was 13 but didn’t have much else other than the love and support from my family and the desire to manifest a dream.

The dream became my reality once I believed it was possible and I put the work in with the persistence of not accepting failure unless I was carried off the course, which happened a few times, but I always came back for more.

Now that I’ve accepted the role of devoting my life to serving and supporting others, it’s my mission to push past new fears to show people the potential they have for their own lives when they believe in themselves and don’t stop hustling for their dreams.

If I can do “the impossible” as I was told, so can YOU.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

📸 @metabolichealthsummit


My Cape Cod brother @Rowlan and I at @metabolichealthsummit in Long Beach, CA.

It’s been a long time in the making but I finally met @Rowlan in person.

If you haven’t checked out this mans music yet, please do so! From hype songs to deep heart filled songs, Rowlan puts his heart and energy into all of his work and it’s touched my brother and my life on many different levels.

@rowlan and come from Harwich, Massachusettes (Cape Cod). He and I are living very unconventional lives that people doubted being a possibility.

Despite many odds beyond doubt going against us, we stuck to our vision, created the belief of possibility, and never stop WORKING for our dreams.

It’s a matter of time until @Rowlan starts blowing up and I’m thankful to have become friends over the years and all his music has done for me and my family.

Check out my IGtv for the “Quest To Progress – Chiro” video to hear “One Life” by @Rowlan.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Metabolic Health Summit 2019

What an honor to share my journey, my love for BMX, and to combine the two with my passion for the ketogenic diet and lifestyle amongst my hero’s in the field that have changed my life in so many ways.

Thanks @victoria_field_ @angelapoff and @dominic.dagostino.kt for not only having me apart of the @metabolichealthsummit but also the opportunity to speak and perform.

As I said, it’s more of an honor and means more to me than riding X-games, which I never thought I’d say.

I never fathomed this path I’m on but following a purpose to serve others has led me to new pursuits and getting comfortable with the unknown.

Thanks to all of you involved with #MHS2019 and the work that’s changing the lives of others.

Special thank you to @dominic.dagostino.kt for taking this photo!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Self Made?

“Self-made” sounds sexy and “cool” but I Call bullsh**! Even tho I’ve worked my ass off for everything in my life, I didn’t do it on my own.

My family, friends, and even the ups and downs of life helped me get to where u am today and will continue to help me as I grow.

This woman right here, @jciake, is a huge support system for me and helps me recognize my wins, my strengths, areas I need to improve, and really just keeps me sane.

She’s the love of my life and my best friend.

I would have easily fallen into a long term depression if it wasn’t for her after my younger brother, Danny, passed away this past summer. She did so much for my mom and I that kept us together and in one piece.

She helps me with my business, my content, my health, and the list goes on.

She accepts me for who I am and the person I strive to be and we’re a team.

She supports my lifestyle of traveling the world and working 24/7 to better our lives and the lives of others around the world.

She keeps me balanced with my work/personal life and brings joy, adventure, love, creativity, challenge, and love to my life.

I just wanted to share how I feel about Jackie and make the point that no one does anything on their own.

There are people, experiences, etc. that shape our lives and it’s not just us out there. Remember that!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Knowledge Is Only Power If Used

The swelling after brian surgery was insane!

I gained 30 pounds and my sleep was destroyed. The weight, I now know, was a cause of all the damn Gatorade’s I was drinking because I was told “it’s got electrolytes and will hydrate you”.

What wasn’t said to me was how much sugar each bottle contained (near 100g and I drank 2-4 a day) and what sugar does to your brain (destroys it). I now have an @ouraring to learn more of my sleep patterns and how to optimize my sleep.

This brain tumor journey that started 9 years ago and continues, as I live with 4 today, has taught me so much about myself and life.

The most important lesson it’s taught me is to become empowered through education.

May seem weird I share that seeing as I dropped out of high school and moved to Greneville, NC when I was a teenager but being told “you’re going to die” sparked a fire in me to find a way to prove them wrong.

They say “knowledge is power” but I agree with @jimkwik when he says that’s not true, unless you act upon the knowledge you gain.

Educate yourself, believe in yourself, and most importantly, take action and be resilient and persistent for the life you desire and deserve.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

I Miss My Brother

Missing my little brother so much lately.

One minute, I’m focused and feel “normal” and then it hits me that my new reality is one where my little brother isn’t physically here anymore and I can’t get one of his giant bear hugs.

My little bro is 3.5 years younger than me but has always had a grizzly beard that made me jealous 😂 and was not afraid to hug you hard enough you thought you’d pop.

He has passion for living life on his terms, especially voicing his opinions without shame of how others interpreted it or took away from what he had to say.

We always made a point to share our love for one another, no matter what terms we may have been on.

Of course, I have thoughts of regrets and that’ll always be there. What I’ve found to be helpful is understanding that I challenged Danny to be the best I knew he could be out of love. I knew each time I challenged him with a specific aspect of life that I’d risk being a person he’d be stoked on in the moment but I knew it would help him and gladly took the sacrifice in the moment.

With that said, the regrets I may have turn into gratitude of the moments we shared over his 26 years of life and that I did everything I could to love and support my brother to the best of my abilities.

I didn’t give into the things I knew were hurting him and his goals, like many did in his life, and I lead my life of an example of the possibilities for him in his life. I can reflect on all the moments where regret comes in and asses if I’d rather have it the other way in regards to my choice in the moment.

Of course, I’m human and there are moment I would have approached differently.

Although he didn’t believe it, Danny is beyond intelligent and talented and has a big ass heart of gold for people he decided he’d let into his life.

It may come off as cliche, but I encourage you all to let the people you love in your life know it but also make decisions you believe in our of love. Even if they’re difficult decisions, audit them in the perspective of love and support for those you love.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

T.E.A.R. It Down

Fear is just a thought, thoughts can be changed.




R-eality / Results

When you feel an emotion as fear, anxiety, stress, worry, doubt, etc. trace it back to your thoughts.

Once you start with changing your Thoughts, you’ll create a new experience as an Emotional response.

Then, you will more than likely be inclined to take new Action in your life yielding a new Reality/Result.

It’s not easy, but it’s worth the conscious effort and daily practice.

I start my day with gratitude journaling, positive affirmarion to auto suggest / program my brain / subconscious, and some mediation.

Tony Robbins refers to this as “priming”. Prime your brain for health, happiness, and success and don’t give away your power to things or others by falling short of your potential to “Victomville”. The world isn’t out to get any one of us, it’s here for us to learn from and enjoy.

Life is a journey and if you’re alive, you’re winning.

I love you all!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️


People I learn from:

@markmetry @isaacstegman @david_goodall @ryanplowery @zonehalo @edmylett @charlie @lewishowes @drjoedispenza @the.holistic.psychologist @joerogan @jimkwik @tonyrobbins @garyvee @macmiller @rowlan @theellenshow @tombilyeu

What Works For ME May Not Work For YOU

I get asked “how do you stay 100% keto all the time?”.

Well, I don’t.

Now, if I had a sever condition such as cancer, seizures, etc., then the conversation would be different.

That said, 99% of the time I’m keto and on point. The other 1%, looks like this.

Still high in fat, cold rice (resistance starch, which is about 1-2 to 1/3 the carbs as when cooked) and an @fatissmartfuel MCT oil pack for added ketone production support.

This is what I’d call my “cheat” meal, even tho I don’t believe in that phrase but for lack of better words, you get what I’m saying.

Still, no crazy sugars, processed foods, etc. Still real, whole food consumption. I also do an extended fast the next day as well as a fasted workout with some @ketologic exogenous ketones to get back on track.

This works for ME.

I should note that this DOES NOT work for everyone, especially if your metabolism is damaged or if you’ve not met your goals.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Slovenia 1-20-19

Day ✌️ of being a tourist.

Got to check out Bled Lake and the museum the castle facilitates.

Check this post on my Instagram for more photos/videos!

Such a beautiful place with, again, great history to go with.

Looking forward to checking out some caves before heading back to America.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Fat, Sick & Tired

Sick and tired of being fat, sick, and tired?

Want a new reality?

Sure, then you MUST make changes to your day and the choices you make.

If you want to reduce body fat so you can reduce risk of disease, increase energy, have a clearer mind, and sleep/recover better, then keto can be a very helpful tool or lifestyle that has so many applications.

Rather than focusing on “what I can’t have”, like most “diets”, focus on “all the food I can have”.

The problem with “I can’t have bread?”, “I can’t have sugar?”, or “I can’t have pasta?” is that it addresses 1, a resistive mindset and 2, an addiction to sugar that goes missing often in today’s society.

Once you take a few days to put the effort in to drop the cravings and addiction, your world becomes so much clearer and you feel better!

Of course, key composition improves too but what’s most profound is how your brain will function.

Yeah, it may be tough but it’s not hard or impossible.

Hard is dealing with cancer.

Hard is dealing with someone you care about suffering day in and day out without understanding they CAN MAKE changes.

Hard is having your quality of life taken down due to poor information circulating, which leads to poor choices in your day.

If it were easy, everyone would do it!

What’s cool, so can YOU! If, you decide to make the change and believe you can, which anyone with the will to change can change and that’s where I come in as a coach and support system for anyone that takes my offer to join their team.

Thanks to @ketogeniccom for this helpful shopping guide to a ketogenic lifestyle.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️