It’s Only Impossible For Those Who Doubt Us

Only those who doubt themselves doubt others.

Ignore the noise and don’t stop working for what you want in your life.

YOU choose what information you let in and settle within you.

I’m a high school drop out that manifested success in a very unconventional route (BMX) in a career sense for over a decade and then went on to build a business of my own helping change others lives.

Had I listened to those saying “it wasn’t possible” back in high school and even along the way, I wouldn’t have helped as many people as I have and continue to, wouldn’t have lived my childhood dreams, and I wouldn’t have created new dreams I’m pursuing / living.

Audit your consumption of content (news, friends, family, social media, etc.) and limit or eliminate your exposure to create a positive environment of support.

No matter how difficult it is, there’s no excuses for why we’re not where we want to be or on the path to changing what we want changed in our lives.

One life. Design, lead, and love it.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Grateful For My Life Journey

Are you grateful for your life journey?

Gratitude can take anyone to the next level in their lives, no matter where they’re starting from.

It’s a simple perspective in choice that’s shown profound benefits in all areas of my life.

Remembering that no matter what you’re going through and that shit could always be worse is a great reminder to be grateful for your life.

If you’re alive and reading this, then you won because you still have the chance to improve any area of your life with the right mindset.

Mindset is typically the block holding us back in areas of life, especially with nutrition and exercise.

Starting a new year is the start to a fresh beginning and setting new goals. It’s a great chance to forget the “failures” of yesterday and focus on the wins of today and the future.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Fat Burning Full Body Workouts

Do you perform regular purposeful exercise?

The best way to burn body fat is become fat adapted (nutrition) and incorporate full-body workouts.

In order to get into a state of ketosis, and burn body fat predominately without burning through lean muscle mass, you gotta burn through glycogen (carb stores) in the liver and muscles.

Over time, on a ketogenic high-fat and low-carb diet, you’ll burn through liver glycogen due to not consuming starches or sugars but also because the liver can release and utilize glycogen when need be.

Muscle glycogen, on the other hand, needs to be burned in the muscle itself and can not be released like liver glycogen.

Therefore, incorporating at least 3 purposeful resistance training days can take a ketogenic diet to the next level (lifestyle) and yield even more benefits.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

BMX Saved My Life

Had I not fallen and hit my head, I’d be dead.

Up until that moment, I was in and out of the doctors offices many times over the course of 2009.

I’d ask for scans and they’d deny me saying “you’re young, fit, and healthy. You just have headaches, which many people do, too, so it’s normal. Take these (pain pills) and come back if you need more.

Even tho I paid for health insurance and knew something was off, I accepted the doctors words as a finite truth. Seeing as I believed doctors know 100% what they’re talking about, I denied my gut feeling.

It wasn’t until suffering more and more, falling one day, and hitting my head did I receive the scan that accidentally found the tumor in my skull and gave me the opportunity to attempt to save my life.

I’m forever grateful for my experience and I share to allow you all to be empowered to have a voice in the world.

In any aspect of life, we all deserve a voice to be heard.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Which Path Will You Take

I could have chosen a path of fear disguised as practicality.

I would have been very successful with that choice but would have always wondered “what if”.

I chose a path dictated by my vision even though others said it wasn’t possible.

I’d tell you we’re crazy had you told me what I would accomplish today, the parts of the world I’ve seen, and who I’d become when I was 17, just dropped out of high school, and left home in pursuit of a dream to become a professional BMX athlete.

But, looking back on the last 12 years of my life it makes sense as to why I was able to do so.

It all stemmed from a vision I had created for my life and the tenacity to never give up even when the opportunity showed more desirable.

I’m just a kid from Cape Cod with a dream. No money. No upper hand. And a lot of odds stacked against me.

If I can succeed, then so can you!

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Rent’s Due

Success is not a destination, it’s a process and journey. Far too often do we settle upon this idea of success being a milestone that we settle at and enjoy once we obtain it.

From learning from other great “successful” people, they are all in unison when they explain their paths and how it’s led them to working their asses off daily and accepting the fact that success isn’t something you obtain or have.

Success is something you live. It’s a journey. It’s a state of thinking, believing, and being.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

How Does Ketosis Work

Ketosis isn’t a miracle or an end all be all. It’s not just a fat removal tool either.

It’s about the health and the integrity of our brains.

I share my belief of health being internal via my story and how I learned the hard way.

Keto can either be a tool or lifestyle depending on the indivisible and their goals.

That said, carbs are also not the problem. Over consumption and the wrong source and implementation are the problems along with lack of information and proper advice.

“In other words, carbs can be seen as a far dirtier fuel than fats. When you adopt a high-fat, low-carb diet and make the switch to burning fat and ketones for fuel instead of glucose, your mitochondria’s exposure to oxidative damage drops by as much as 30 to 40 percent compared to when your primary source of fuel is sugar, as is typical in American diets today. This means that when you are “fat adapted”—that is, when you have made the transition to burning fat for fuel—your mitochondrial DNA, cell membranes, and protein can remain stronger, healthier, and more resilient.” -Dr. Mercola

Think of burning fat as solar energy and carbs/sugar as a sample fire. Much cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable. When you run on dirty fuel, problems naturally occur.

And, yes, body composition improves when done correctly for YOUR individual needs and response.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

I Don’t Workout but I Want Abs

“I want to remove more body fat and see my abs” is what I commonly hear.

I also hear “no, I don’t workout regularly” to follow.

Here’s the bottom line, if you want to burn fat then you must also exercise along with consuming a low-carb ketogenic diet.

No, you don’t need to get crazy and lift a lot of weight or start doing CrossFit, unless that’s what you like. You just have to get your body moving regularly with some weight bearing/tension on the muscles to burn up the store glycogen (stored carbs/sugar for energy). The liver also stores glycogen but the body can take it out of the liver for use when it needs. That’s why a ketogenic diet alone helps so much, but only to a certain degree with body composition goals.

The muscles glycogen stores are trapped and have to be utilIzed, hence weight bearing exercise.

That doesn’t mean weights, you can start with just body weight or activities like hiking, rowing, cycling, etc. that use full-body movements and active muscle contraction.

Here’s a look at a section of my training at @athleticlab pairing back squats (75%) & weighted pull ups (10kilo/22lb) 4 rounds for 6 each.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

It’s Your Fault if You’re Unhappy

If you’re not doing what makes you happy, there’s only YOU to blame.

Stop pushing off YOUR excuses to external sources and not taking any accountability for your life.

No ones responsible for your actions or emotional responses for your life other than your self. Accountability and self-awareness are the first steps with perspective and changing your life TODAY.

I can relate to every excuses I’ve heard because I’ve either used it or had times where I wanted to fall back onto those excuses but didn’t.

How or why?

My vision for my life and the mentality that shit can always be worse and that others don’t care about my excuses.

It’s harsh but so true. We all have our own list of obstacles and if you’re alive and seeing this, you have every reason to live your life tot he fullest potential.

Stop comparing your life to others, stop holding yourself back due to fear, and start taking accountability for your reality.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

High-fat / Low-carb

“Ketones are an efficient and effective fuel for human physiology: it allows a person to experience non-fluctuating energy throughout the day.” – @davidperlmutter

I first changed my eating habits to a high-fat and low-carb diet after reading Dr. Perlmutter’s book “Grain Brain” that blew my mind when it came to eating “healthy” and the health, performance, and longevity of our brains health.🌀

Thanks to @ketogeniccom for this simple diagram and info of how to follow a ketogenic diet/lifestyle per your goal.🙏🏼

It’s quite simple and enjoyable to begin and follow. It gets more complicated when it comes to specifics like your glucose tolerance, protein needs, fat needs, etc. depending on your goals and bio-individuality.🤓

At the end of the day, if you cut the sugars, starches, processed foods and beverages to replace with healthy fats in abundance and moderate amounts of quality proteins, you’ll notice profound differences within as little as a few days. 🙌🏼

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️