A New Vision & Consciousness

(Day-21) 21-Day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

“The more we can witness change, directly or experimentally, the less defined we sort of become as a person.”

I’ve always been pretty open to change in my life, both consciously and subconsciously, until the “auto pilot” set in and was revealed in my consciousness.

I had a vision when I was younger to create a life I saw on tv (BMX) and fell in love with. After over a decade living that vision, experiences showed me new passions in and for my life.

These experiences and new passions led me to starting a business sharing my experiences and passions with others in an effort to influence change and empower others to live a life free of pain and sufferings while becoming the healthiest and happiest possible.

The resistance to change that came up with this new choice in direction was because I never slowed down to envision a new life. I also learned I was spreading myself too thin on what I was saying yes to, which wasn’t aligned with my main focus. This is when the negative thoughts and emotions came on.

I’m becoming very self aware of change and how I react to change, which has empowered me to not get lost in meanings of events rather make a choice as to how I want to continue moving forward and if it’s aligned with my goal. I feel this is where I would get lost in the past with defining who I was, based on my past rather than who I am in the moment and strive to become.

I’m grateful for this 21-day challenge and all I’ve learned about myself and continue to learn moving forward. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

It’s All Within Us

(Day-20) 21-Day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge

“We’re not training the mind to do something. We’re training it to come to a place of natural rest, where we can see life more clearly.”

Everything we want is already within us and the universe. We just have to align our beliefs and actions for the desired outcomes.

When we can take time to be conscious of our surroundings, body, and breath, we can become conscious to the power we have to shift our focus. This has been super helpful for my emotions and thoughts, as well as the life I envision and am manifesting into my reality.

This past trip to Honolulu, Hawaii was an amazing opportunity to calm the mind and realize all that I’ve been able to accomplish in my life, the lives I’ve impacted, and the ability I have to receive compensation, love, opportunity, and success for doing what I love-helping people realize their power to free themselves of pain and suffering. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

Mastermind Retreat Success

What an amazing @kaizenprocoaching mastermind retreat to Honolulu, Hawaii with even more amazing human beings. It’s crazy how life unfolds and where it takes you.

I’ve been taking massive leaps forward towards my new vision for my life and I’m come across amazing people, opportunities, and experiences. This was one of those but it’s just the beginning and I look forward to the next mastermind in Maui!

The top take-aways from this trip was learning that we’re not all so different in life, you can achieve amazing levels of success when you narrow and specify your focus, and when negative thoughts/emotions come about it typically means I’m out of alignment with my vision. Those are just some of all the great information my brain soaked up from this last week and the ideas this trip has given me.

Thanks @isaacstegman for having me and to all the great supportive people who attended. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

Energetic Flows To Where Your Focus Goes

(Day 18) 21-day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge

“Where your focus goes, energy flows.

I recently stated using @tonyrobbins 10-minute “priming” exercise to start my day.

Start with radically changing your breath followed by 3 minutes of gratitude, 3 minutes of positive thoughts/prayers for others in your life, and 3 minutes of goals & visualization.

The idea behind it is to “prime” your day of the thoughts and beliefs YOU want, rather than what the world full of noise tells us.

The noise from others limiting beliefs, others experiences, or our own past experiences and beliefs tend to discredit the possibility in our lives.

When we “prime” our conscious mind, we can begin to clear out the noise and take action on what we desire. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

What Would It Take To Create A New Reality

(Day-19) 21-Day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

“The more that we can actually be in our body, then the more present we are in life.”

This quote gives me a reminder of why focusing on the breath as well as moving my body, whether it be BMX or exercise, helps calm down any negative thoughts and emotions. We are physical beings that tend to get lost in thought, which triggers an emotional response that can either triggers suffering or pleasure.

The TEAR method was introduced to me recently and has helped me shift my internal feelings, that are usually a manifestation of thought, by focusing on new desirable thoughts.

I’ve become great at setting an alarm for undesirable thoughts/emotions, which empowers me to change my internal & external reality. I found myself in the past with these negative thoughts that would trigger an undesirable emotional response, leading to unconscious actions that would manifest a result/realty, one way or another.

We choose our reality because it’s really a manifestation of our thoughts that are tied into emotional responses and actions, whether we’re conscious of it or not. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

What would it take to create a new reality?

-Josh P.

What Are You Willing To Do

(Day-17) 21-day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

“What are YOU willing to do?”

Change is good. Change is inventible. Change is everywhere and always occurring.

So why do we fight it?

I’m learning that I personally am battling an inner struggle with change due to my feeling like I’ve dedicated half my life to something and I’m giving up on it, and apart of myself, which isn’t the case.

Although this new path I’ve chosen is what I feel 100% passionate about and out of love, it requires a lot of change in the process.

What are you willing to do? is a question I take and look back on my past and can reflect on all the things I was willing to do, put up with, and sacrifice for the life I live today.

Now, with a lot of work in self-reflection, gratitude, doing, and finding my tribe of support, I realize what I am capable of.

We often are scared of change for many reasons and 1 is getting out of our comfort zone. The key is to see all we’ve accomplished and overcome to be alive in this very moment.

Why? Because then we can see how capable we all are of manifesting a life we desire, if we choose to see it that way. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

Insecurity Or Just Thoughts

(Day-16) 21-day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

“What do you want in your life?”

Seems like a simple question yet an array of emotions come up when we think about what we want. We’re typically so focused on our needs and living in “auto-pilot” with the focus to take of our needs exclusively.

Needs being rent, food, other bills, etc. But, what about your desires to lead a life you believe in and are fulfilled with rather than just day in and day out doing what it takes to just “survive”?

From guilt, to shame, to doubt, we often don’t give ourselves credit for being able to receive the things we want in life. We focus so much on doing that we forget to relax and open ourselves to receiving.

“That’s not possible for me”, “only selfish people can have what they want”, “I’ve never got what I want”, and so on tend to be the trend when referring to our wants.

I also find we know what we want but don’t believe we’re capable of receiving it, not good enough, or we have no clue what we want and just live in “survival” mode day in and day out only focused on getting enough to take care of our basic needs, which usually comes with neglect to our mental and physical health.

This meditation practice I’ve adopted has shown me the thing holding me back from my wants, and needs, is insecurities (or fear) of not being enough. As I love to say, fear is just a thought that can be changed. So I change my focus to thoughts of reflecting on progressing to where I am now and gratitude for all I’ve learned. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

What would it take to have what you want & survive?

-Josh P.

Vague Nerve

(Day-15) 21-day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

“As long as we’re alive, our breath is with us.

Do you take time to focus on your breath, in and out of your meditation practice?

I’ve been learning more and more that our thoughts create our emotions that creates our actions, which manifests our realities.

A trick that meditation has reminded me of from what I learned in Dr. Mark Hyman’s docuseries “Broken Brain”, which is the base of meditation to me, is that focusing our attention to our breath actually calms down our vagus nerve. The vagus nerve extends from our brain stem to our guts, which actually releases a lot of chemicals that affects our physical being.

These chemicals can be addictive. So, along with nutrition and exercise, meditation and focus on the breath can calm down our vagus nerve and chemicals manufactured in our guts.

When we can calm everything down internally with the physical self, we can then allow space for new desirable thoughts that trigger a new positive emotional state, which leads to new actions to create a new result/ reality. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

What Do YOU Want?

What do you want in your life?

Seems like a simple question yet an array of emotions come up when people think about what they want. We’re typically so focused on our needs and living in “auto-pilot” with the focus to take of our needs.

Needs being rent, food, other bills, etc. But, what about your desires to lead a life you believe in and are fulfilled with rather than just day in and day out doing what it takes to just “survive”?

From guilt, to shame, to doubt, we often don’t give ourselves credit for being able to receive the things we want in life. We focus so much on doing that we forget to relax and open ourselves to receiving.

“That’s not possible for me”, “only selfish people can have what they want”, “I’ve never got what I want”, and so on tend to be the trend when referring to our wants.

I also find we either know what we want but don’t believe we’re capable of receiving it, or we have no clue what we want and just live in “survival” mode day in and day out only focused on getting enough to take care of our basic needs, which usually comes with neglect to our mental and physical health.

What would it take to have what you want & survive? πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.

Be In The Moment

(Day-14) 21-day Meditation / New Habit Creation Challenge.

β€œIf we’re too caught up in thinking, then we’re not able to focus 100% on delivering the message the way we’d like.”

This quote makes so much sense to me for the fact I have noticed when I share from a place of love, gratitude, and free of judgment, and am in the moment rather than thinking about anything other than that moment, my message comes off 100% authentic.

When I get caught up in the worry of being judged, being clear in my message so it’s understood, messing up, or anything other than my WHY, or my purpose, my message wouldn’t come off the way I wanted it to and would not serve my efforts.

Todays marks 2 weeks of meditating, which has allowed a lot of internal resistance to come to the surface and allow me to be very self-aware. This is critical if you want to change or create a new outcome for your life, especially if you want to share what you believe with the world so you can see the change take place you desire.

I am not perfect by any means, but by adopting this regular daily (sometimes more than once/day) practice of slowing down to focus on the breath and the outcomes I desire in my life, I have been able to implement it in my every day life and become aware of when I am getting lost in the thoughts that do not serve me. πŸ’šβœŒοΈ

-Josh P.