Living To Match Your Vision

Are you living a life that matches your vision?

Or, are you leading a life trying to find the motivation to put the work in because it’s someone else’s vision- either for their past that they regret not taking action for or for what they think is “best” for you due to their own fears and insecurities?

I hear people say they can’t find the motivation for their life. Usually it’s because they lost their vision. Not because they don’t want it. But because they either failed and got scared to try again, never tried in the first place due to fear of failure of it not being a possibility for themselves because someone told them it wasn’t, or because they’re living a life that matches another persona vision other than their own.

When we lead a life that matches our vision, it becomes clear what our goals are, which also creates the motivation we all possess to succeed.

I’ve learned that inspired work creates more success and fulfillment rather than uninspired work that I feel “I have to do” rather than “I get to do”.-

Create a vision for your life, set realistic yet scary goals, believe that you can do it, and take non-stop action! 💚✌️

-Josh P.