Be Uncommon

“Be uncommon amongst the uncommon.”

I heard David Goggins say this on a Joe Rogan podcast the other day.

I’ve never really felt like I fit into something until I found BMX. Even then, I felt like I did tricks differently, looked at riding a different way, and used my BMX career to escape negativity in my life.

I’ve taken a very unconventional route in life as well as within BMX but as I reflect on the last decade, I wouldn’t do anything differently because it’s ultimately led me to who I’ve become, where I am, who’s in my life, and the people I’ve supported.

Of course, sometimes I feel as if I could have had more focus, worked harder, etc etc., but who doesn’t reflect on the past and see areas of improvement?

That’s called growth and education.

Today, and for the last 2 years, I’ve found myself feeling like I don’t belong again but in the realm of BMX. Not in a negative context. Just, like, I want more than to compete or promote BMX brands.

Being diagnosed with brain tumors more times than anyone could ever fathom has given me clarity on my WHY, or purpose for my life. That WHY is to see others become the healthiest, happiest, and most successful versions of themselves without suffering as I did for many years until sorting that out.

-Josh P. 💚🧠✌️