All I wanted was to ride my bike.
Little did I know my life plan would manifest on a larger scale than I could fathom as a 17yr old dropping out of high school and moving out of my parents house 13 hrs away to chase a dream that was “unlikely going to come true”.
I didn’t care what people said or the “risk” I was taking on my dream. I also didn’t care of the “unlikeliness” of making a career out of something so “childish” as I was told.
My parents believed in me and that’s all that mattered to me.
I was raised to work my ass off for the life I desired and I’ve done that very thing since day 1.
I could have given up on so many occasions not many of you are familiar with but why? So I could sit back and feel safe and comfortable?
Feeling safe and comfortable leads to regret, lack of purpose and fulfillment, and unhappiness. At least that’s what I’ve experienced.
I never had an upper hand or handouts in my life and actually a shit ton of odds stacked against me from the beginning starting out with an abusive step-father who would use my bike as a manipulative tool to break me down on top of the physical and mental abuse from a young age.
He’d treat me, my brother (his son), and my mother like shit but I’m grateful for him because he showed me how to NEVER treat another human being and also gave me the fuel to succeed on my “unlikely” journey.
The fuel today looks very different and has transformed to love and gratitude for my life but also to make my little brother, Danny, and Mirra, who both are no longer with us today, proud AF.
My purpose started out on SELF to ride BMX for a living and I succeeded. Now, my purpose is to serve and support those in need with my experiences, thoughts, education, and love to give back.
Speaking in front of people is a path I never saw coming but am grateful for the experiences yet to come and the feeling of having someone in tears thanking you for your transparency.
The biggest thing my life journey has taught me is that we’re never alone and we’re not so different.
Josh P.