We Compete Against OURSELF

I find most, if not all, of the competition we face is life is against ourselves.

When I talk about “perceived” fear, I’m talking about the mind games our brain plays on us to elicit the emotional response of fear to prevent us from danger or some kind of potential harm or threat.

The problem with this life saving programmed response is that the majority of the fear we experience today is self-created which begins the competition against ourself.

Once we can begin to understand this concept and apply more focus and intention of catching ourselves in these acts, we can begin to make changes to our behavior and create new habits, thus creating a new version of ourselves and ultimately putting the ball back in our court.

That’s not to think we’ll ever gain 100% control over the ego because that’s a fairy tail & if you think you do have that control, that’s your ego at work.

What I’m suggesting is that we can become as aware or conscious as humanly possible which will allow us to consciously design the life we desire rather than be run by conditioned / programmed fear from what’s uncomfortable in our lives.

Maybe then we’ll be more BOLD & take action that’s aligned with what’s in our hearts & what we envision for ourselves.

Maybe then we’ll focus more on being ourself rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Maybe then we’ll be able to make the changes we want in our lives and close the gap between how we feel inside and what our external world reflects back to us.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️