Take Action!

Perspective is so important because had my perspective not shifted to becoming incredibly grateful, for even the smallest things in my life, I wouldn’t be here today sharing with all of you.

Visualize your life. But, more importantly, take ACTION! I start my day with a fresh cup of coffee while listening to music that lifts my energy, some affirmations & visualizations, then I hit the gym by 8am.

Visualization and affirmations don’t do anything if you just sit on your ass. You gotta put the work in and get the manifestation process rolling.

And when things don’t go your way, learn from the experience and see the gifts you’re missing in the moment. Turn “failure” into a learning opportunity. Don’t get frustrated and quit. Get fired up and push through! 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Gamma Knife 50th Year

Thanks to Elekta Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, a 6-hr open cranial surgery at Duke University, and a high-fat/low-carb diet, I’ve been able to overcome 4 brain tumors, continue living my dream as a BMX athlete, and help others around the world.

This year marks 50 years & 1 million+ patients treated thanks to Gamma Knife. It’s also the month of brain tumor awareness.

I’m going to be sharing a little about my story each month through a quick video series.

You can learn more about Gamma Knife and if it’s a good fit for you or a loved one at www.gammaknife.com.

You can learn more about my life at www.JoshPerryBMX.com

You can follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @JoshPerryBMX 💚✌️

-Josh P.

It Could Be Worse

Are you feeling down or in a tough spot? If you’re reading this, it could always be worse.

That’s what helps me when I feel down, stressed, or like I’m “failing”. Be grateful to be alive and breathing, and know that it can always be worse.

It’s ok to want to better yourself and your life. It’s ok to want more. It’s ok to want to become extraordinary and strive for greatness.

What I believe is key to making that possible is to start with gratitude for who you are, where you are, and just to be breathing. Why? Because it makes progression a whole lot easier when you have a perspective of gratitude as how you see the world. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Breakfast Bowl

I love quick and simple meals. This is a great one for those who “don’t have time to eat”. Swipe 👉🏼

Tag a friend who needs to see this quick and delicious meal.

Organic hard boiled eggs, walnuts, uncured organic bacon, green onion, sun dried tomatoes, salt and pepper, and olive oil. Got this one from @marksissonprimal and @bradkearns1 in the “Keto Reset Diet” book. 🔥

-Josh P.

I Rode X-Games With a Brain Tumor

In 2009, I won my first major pro contest, rode X-Games, and continued riding Dew Tour for my third pro year…all with a massive brain tumor that I didn’t know I had.

The signs and symptoms were there, but no doctor would give me a scan and would just send me home with pain pills. They don’t settle well with my stomach so I never used them but took to alcohol to ease the pain and pressure in my brain that would be so intense at times that I’d start loosing my vision and throw up.

In 2010, I tried a flair whip on a real ramp for the first time and over rotated and hit my head. Because of this crash, an MRI was necessary. I’ll never forget being told “well, no swelling or bleeding in your brain. But, there’s a mass taking up the left portion of your brain that shouldn’t be there.”

I was freshly 21 when I was given a death sentence. Since then, I’ve been diagnosed 2 more times over the years leaving me with 4 brain tumors after a 6 hour surgery and Gamma Knife radiosurgery.

That said, I’m still riding today at an elite level and doing my best to share the power of the mind, nutrition, and fitness with others in an effort to see people live the healthiest and happiest today. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

How I Changed Anxiety To Confidence Today

They say I have NF2- a genetic disorder that created the 4 tumors in my skull. That doesn’t stop me from doing what I love most though.

NF2 leads to a lot of psychological issues like anxiety, stress, depression, etc. and I deal with all of those on a regular basis, but who doesn’t? Some days worse than others.

What’s cool is that I’ve become very conscious to this and have become passionate about brain health and choices I have to better my reality. This is a blessing and a curse because although I’m hyper self-aware now, I either tend to blame it on me not trying hard enough or get frustrated when I feel I’ve done all I can and don’t understand why I’m going through it, even though it’s a natural part of the human existence.

It’s led me down an interesting path of self exploration and opening my mind and heart to empathize with others that struggle with the negative mind tricks known as depression, anxiety, stress, fear, and so on. I still believe it’s all a choice in what we give energy to and how we take care of ourselves.

But I also know sometimes, despite our best efforts, we are only human and have to foster self love and patience while having faith that our desired outcomes are manifesting as we continue to take action to better ourselves.

That said, today was one of those anxious, stressed, and doubtful days. I took to meditation, journaling, and visualization to find the peace that we all have within us and never leaves. It’s just a matter of shifting our focus and being patient and loving of ourself.

BMX is one of my happy places that I’ve questioned in times of negativity but every time I ride, it always cheers me up and I’m forever grateful for it.💚✌️

How do you shift your focus when you’re feeling down?

-Josh P.

Letting Go Of Tiny Dots

“Reason seeks to join the dots, to make sense of it all. But, to experience limitless mind, we have to let go of the tiny dots in our life.” @headspace

To me, I take this as to not worry so much about applying meaning to everything and over analyzing it all. This allows peace of mind and opens up our lives to more opportunity to receive greatness and creates less internal and external clutter in our lives. 💚✌️

What tiny dots are you letting go of?

-Josh P.

Presence & Absence Of Emotion

“It’s important that we notice both the presence and absence of emotion”.

Emotions come and go, if we let them. When we focus on a particular emotion, we begin to create thoughts around an event (stories) that created said emotion.

When it’s a positive emotion, we typically see life from a positive perspective. This usually allows for positive actions to be taken, which manifests a positive reality. It really comes down to focus because the same positive efforts can be focused upon when undesirable thoughts or emotions arise. It’s a choice we have when we can become conscious to our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

The cool thing is that emotions are not final and are able to shift. When we can become more aware of when an emotion is absent, we can begin to notice other emotions and make a choice to shift our focus and know change is always with us.

With an understanding of the absence of an emotion, we can then see that there’s always an end to an emotion that’s triggered by thought. A great reminder that nothing is fixed, rather it’s always changing.

And, with change comes a greater sense of freedom in the mind. We must make a constant effort to become conscious of our ability to shift focus and thoughts so that we can see how in control of our reality we really are. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Resistance Training As A Priority

Does resistance training fit into your priority list?

It didn’t for me, even as a professional athlete, which seems counterintuitive. Huh?

Truth is, I assumed riding “x” amount of hours a day (and being ignorant to fitness as a whole) was enough. I didn’t see the point in training and didn’t want to “get bulky”. Far from the truth. 🙈

I learned the hard way- blowing out my knee in 2013. Then I added my passion for brain health (came from being diagnosed with 4 brain tumors over the last 8 years) to the mix and hired a coach @coachmatthunter with @athleticlab.

The last 2 years working with Matt as my coach have been transformational in regards to my mind, body, and BMX performance.

This is a typical day in a training block, which is usually broken down into a few components spread over 5 days that goes for 3 weeks and ends with a testing week.

3 days of resistance training (strength/lifting), 2 days of HIIT (high intensity interval training), gymnastics & core, and then I add in 2hrs minimum of MAHR training (max Aerobic heart rate), which is intended for@peak fat oxidation (burning) to train my brain and body to burn and utilize fat (keton bodies) primarily for fuel and become what’s called “fat adapted” or “metabolically efficient”.

That said, I’ve been applying what I’ve been learning from Matt and leading voices in the fat-burning & brain Heath world to help my clients even further with their heath and wellness goals.

Curious if you’d be a good fit for my health coaching services? Send me a DM and lets connect! 💚✌️

Your Brain Could Be Suffering Without YOU Knowing It

“Your brain…

weighs 3 pounds and has one hundred thousand miles of blood vessels.

contains more connections that there are stars in the Milky Way.

Is the fattest organ in the human body.

could be suffering this very minute without your having a clue.” @davidperlmutter

Hi! My name is Josh Perry, and I live with 4 brain tumors. Before an open cranial surgery that took 6 hours to remove a massive (almost half my brain) brain tumor, Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for 2 regrowths, and a third diagnosis in 2017, I was never very conscious to the health of my brain and how I could be affecting it one way or another.

This picture was taken right after my original brain surgery in 2010, containing 75 staples and 13 or so stitches. It was the beginning to a new way of life for me that I could never have fathomed taking place. But, who could?

Despite living with 4 brain tumors today, I still live a very “normal” (what’s normal?) life full of BMX, training, studying, speaking, coaching, adventuring, supporting others, and so much more.

Through all my experiences, I’ve learned many things but two of which are my favorite and stand out to me the most. They are: health is internal, not just numbers on a scale or sheet of paper & life is all about perspective and choices.

It took falling and hitting my head one day to finally receive an MRI that revealed a brain tumor was the cause of my suffering for a year prior of my diagnosis. This led me to learn about holistic health (a lot of what I learn comes from Dr Perlmutter’s work) and how choices we make can either help or hurt us.

I chose to take my experiences and become a survivor that is very diligent about being conscious to my choices in life in an effort to protect my brain and overall health, and share all I can with others to support them however I possibly can.

Are you making choices to either manifest health or to change you’re current reality in a more positive way? 💚✌️

-Josh P.