Your Dream, Your Vision

“Sometimes you have to risk everything for a dream no one can see but you” -unknown.

Because if you don’t, no one else will for you. Doesn’t matter if people don’t get it. You get it. That’s all that matters. As a BMX athlete, the risk is my job. No lie. Every time I step on my bike, my life is at risk. Why do I do it? Because I love it. It fuels me and my passion for living life. It makes me become a better human off the bike. It has taught me so many valuable lessons that money can’t buy. It’s shown me the world and led me to an amazing life full of love, positivity, and awesome friends, aka family.

It started with an idea, to become a pro rider like/ with my idols. Then it became a feeling, more like an obsession and addiction. Then I started talking action. By the time I was 17 (4 years into riding) I was riding Dew Tour as a professional athlete, left my life at home and moved to Greenville with no plan other than to live my dream. That’s it! Risked it all by not doing what society said to do, but what I wanted to do. Faced death many times, which one time I literary died and came back.

But with an idea that became a feeling, mixed in with action, topped off with a belief system that I’d succeed, I came out on top and get to live my dream while sharing with you all in hopes you do just that very thing. Take a risk. Believe in yourself, feel it, take action, and DO IT!

-Josh P.

It’s Only A Dream Until It Happens To You

I was listening to Pandora recently when a song by G-Eazy came on and I heard these lyrics:

“It’s only a dream until it happens to you”.

I instantly felt a great overwhelming sense of gratitude for my life and all that’s happened to me, good and bad. I live my dream every day and still have further dreams. I’ve become friends with my idols, made best friends from around the world, and have seen parts of the world most won’t. My dream became a reality but not without obstacles and life changing events. 

As beat up as I am right now from two recent crashes (bone bruise on my shin/ankle and old torn lat muscle that I slammed along with my back into a quarter pipe last week), I’m still thrilled to be getting on a plane on my way to Denver Fise to compete.

I may not be 100% but I’m just at about 9 months out of ACL/Meniscus reconstructive surgery and am thankful to be competing again. It was the worst recovery I’ve had to date, even more so than brain tumor surgery recovery. It took a toll on me mentally and physically. But like any challenge we face in life, we must set fear aside and give it our all in order to reach our goals.

The falls I’ve taken on and off the bike have taught me a great deal about myself and life. I continue to ride my heart out for those who can’t, to inspire those who dream, to prove anyone’s dream is possible, and to continue enjoying my life as I live my dream.

-Josh P.