It’s Over

Have you ever been told “you’re going to die”?

I have and it’s not fun.

What’s cool is that those words in that order will change your perspective on life and how you’re navigating through it.

For me, I saw the opportunity I still had at hand to preserve my life. Recently, my younger brother passed away and it’s had me down and challenging my beliefs.

If anything positive has come from the death of my brother, which is f***ed to even think about, is that it’s given me another wave of gratitude to be alive and surrounded by so much love and abundance.

I share all I share to inspire change in perspective in all of us to see how much positivity we have in our lives, no matter what we have going on. Not everyone is as fortunate as we all are in this very moment to wake up and live another day or to “fail” again and again.

No matter what you’re going through, shit could always be worse if you’re breathing. Think about that long and hard.

I think about that when I face times like today when I am heart broken, questioning why I’m still here and Danny is not, questioning “do I even want to ride BMX anymore”, and feeling like giving up.

Then I remember I’m alive and Danny wouldn’t want me to quit and so many people count on me to stay strong for them.

I’ve learned many things along my journey and one quite that’s given me a lot of clarity on my path is “off self, on purpose” that @isaacstegman shared with me.

Anytime I get down, I remember what my purpose is and tell myself to lift my head up and continue striving to better my life and the lives of others.

Thanks so much @kerwinrae for coming into my life and doing more for me than you probably are aware of. 🙏🏼

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️