Become Your Own Hero

“The internal journey is all about the death of our identity, and the rebirth of our essence.”

Standing next to these beautiful, talented, strong, courageous, and loving human beings is the manifestation of all of our choices along our very unique, individualized, yet similar paths in life.

We have all become the hero of our own journeys and made massive transformation leading us to health, happiness, and success in our lives.

What’s rad, and none of us set out solely to do, is that we’re all in a place of service to others fueled by love and passion.

We’ve taken our “mess” along the way and turned it into our messages, our missions, and our new purpose within our lives.

The power of all 3 of our stories is profound. The desire to share our stories in an effort to change perspective in others so they can take new action within their life is even greater.

I’m beyond grateful to have connected and formed meaningful relationships with these two and am excited about the future holds for all of us and YOU reading this.

Don’t ever stop doing what YOU love for anyone else and don’t ever love YOUR life for anyone either. We’ve all fallen into the safety net that is the “traditional route” brainwashed that it’s “safe” or our of fear of failure and/or judgement.

I’ve found that by staying true to my own desire, dreams, and beliefs for my life has led me to some wonderful people and places around the world and now I’m doing what I thought was the impossible and helping others along the way.

Stay true to YOU and take accountability for your life.

If you’re unhappy, make a CHANGE. The 3 of us sure have and continue to do so and so can YOU.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️