Prüvit to Manifest it

Manifesting the life you desire is a real thing and I’m living it.

Step one, create the desire in your mind.

Then, you gotta voice it to the universe and really see it in your mind.

Hearing and feeling are powerful sensors involved in this process as well so speaking your desire out loud allows you to hear and feel the words you’re saying.

DOING is one of the most important aspects of manifesting a desire beyond creating the desire initially.

Once you can do this every day in a formal manner, it begins to be second nature and you find yourself in this vibration and energy believing in the desire you’ve created for your life and pushing past fear.

The final step is Prüvit to the world and yourself, hence where action/doing comes in play.

I believe if more people shared the positive in their life, along with the story of how to obtained it, more people would see the potential they posses to create the life they desire.

By Prüving your talk, you’re inspiring others to step into their power and live the life they desire.

The arrow break is a powerful subconscious tool of breaking through fears and mental challenges/blocks.

If you can break an arrow with your neck, what can’t you do?

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️