Why do you care what people you don’t know or like think of you?
A lot of us are afraid of judgment from others.
What’s crazy to think about is the people we’re afraid of judging us don’t affect our lives in any anyway and don’t serve a purpose either way.
So why do we still care?
Subconscious status and insecurities is why.
Think about it. Why do you want that car? That watch? That job? That house? That amount of money?
Because of how it will make us feel based on how others will perceive us.
I see friends of mine waste their money on materialistic items they “want” because of how they think it change others opinions of them after years of negativity shared their way.
When you focus on you, and only you, and what fuels you and makes you happy, you start to invest your time, energy and money differently.
I’ve found that shifting my time, energy and money towards my purpose rather than my ego has helped me create more abundance, success, love, opportunities, relationships, and feelings of happiness like non other.
Where at you investing your time, energy, and money?
Josh P.