Really excited and proud of the work I’ve been busting my ass on the last two years.
I decided to take a 180 on the path I was leading and switch lanes to head in a different direction.
While fostering the courage to take that leap of faith, determination to get up and try again (as I’ve learned from BMX and other aspects of my life), and the self-awareness to keep me in check, it hasn’t been easy. But I know it’ll be worth it.
Here’s a screen shot of a new video course I’ve been working hard on to be able to offer all of you what I have learned about health and fitness, and the mind & body.
This is a whole new concept for me and the fears, doubts, frustrations, etc. all came at once and I had to tackle them head on and just TAKE ACTION! I don’t just run my mouth sharing what I believe others should do, I walk my talk. That’s why I’m confident in sharing with all of you. I live, eat, and breath my talk.
What fuels my motivation? My life vision and purpose, or my WHY. I also have Jackie Lauricella to thank for all of her endless love and support on this journey.❤️
The course will have weekly videos/audios of step by step action to take in your life, PDF’s to accompany the videos, meal & exercise plans, and weekly personal calls with me!
I haven’t shared about this with many of you yet but I’m getting antsy to share as the course will be available in the next week or two!
Stay tuned for more information 💚
Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat, gain more energy, improve sleep & recovery, clear up inflammation & digestive issues, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?
Hit me up! 😊
-Josh P.