Switching Lanes

Really excited and proud of the work I’ve been busting my ass on the last two years.

I decided to take a 180 on the path I was leading and switch lanes to head in a different direction.

While fostering the courage to take that leap of faith, determination to get up and try again (as I’ve learned from BMX and other aspects of my life), and the self-awareness to keep me in check, it hasn’t been easy. But I know it’ll be worth it.

Here’s a screen shot of a new video course I’ve been working hard on to be able to offer all of you what I have learned about health and fitness, and the mind & body.

This is a whole new concept for me and the fears, doubts, frustrations, etc. all came at once and I had to tackle them head on and just TAKE ACTION! I don’t just run my mouth sharing what I believe others should do, I walk my talk. That’s why I’m confident in sharing with all of you. I live, eat, and breath my talk.

What fuels my motivation? My life vision and purpose, or my WHY. I also have Jackie Lauricella to thank for all of her endless love and support on this journey.❤️

The course will have weekly videos/audios of step by step action to take in your life, PDF’s to accompany the videos, meal & exercise plans, and weekly personal calls with me!

I haven’t shared about this with many of you yet but I’m getting antsy to share as the course will be available in the next week or two!

Stay tuned for more information 💚✌️

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat, gain more energy, improve sleep & recovery, clear up inflammation & digestive issues, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?

Hit me up! 😊

-Josh P.

📲 josh@joshperrybmx.com


Client Success – Joe Curcuru

My client, Joe Curcuru, is an amazing person all around and is killing it! I am beyond grateful to be in his corner and to see his face light up every week we meet. 🙏🏼

Matt Arthur aka @919Spine introduced the two of us while crossing paths to get adjusted one day about 2 months ago.

He told me about Joe’s amazing transformational story of removing 50pounds or so in 6 months by cleaning up his eating and getting his butt in the gym.

Joe was very curious about KETO and we sat down for a conversation and decided to work together to create some more progress.

Joe wanted to progress with his success and continue improving the health of his brain at the same time. He’s now down ever more fat mass, up in lean muscle mass, down in visceral fat (dangerous fat around the organs), can go 16-18hrs without food effortlessly, last week of type-2 diabetes medication, and overall happier and energized. 🙌🏼

Joe has a similar beginning to a lot of people out there and Joe wants them to know if they truly want to change, they can if he can.

I’m honored to be apart of his journey and share his success with all of you to hopefully inspire even just one of you to make a change and/or reach out to someone like myself for support. 🙏🏼💚✌️

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat, gain more energy, improve sleep & recovery, clear up inflammation & digestive issues, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?

Hit me up! 

-Josh P.

📲 josh@joshperrybmx.com

What The Fat with Dr. Ryan Lowery

I am honored and grateful to be able to reverse engineer my path with BMX and now with the Ketogenic & medical field.

It’s led me to connect with some amazing people overall, but I am particularly excited to connect with the people I am helping with their goals and doctors at the forefront of sharing this information.

Dr. Ryan Lowery is someone who is making massive shifts in the way we view food, diets, health, and so much more. I got introduced to him by following some KETO people on Instagram and then was told to check out his book, The Ketogenic Bible.

After some DM’s back and forth on Instagram, Dr. Lowery invited me on his podcast, What The Fat, to share my story of BMX, overcoming and living with 4 brain tumors, and how I got into a ketogenic diet.


Check out the whole video here:


Check out the 3-part podcast series here:

What The Fat Podcast

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, reduce disease risk factors, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.


Shit Could Be Worse

We all have obstacles we are faced with on a daily basis.


If you think life is tough or unfair, take a look into what cards I have been dealt on top of daily stress. I am not alone in this fight and I know many of us have gone through traumatic situations in our lifetime, but imagine if you had something like living with 4 brain tumors to add to the mix every day.

All those stresses that we typically inflict on ourselves would go out the window and that’s what this disease has shown me. Shit could always be worse so why not be grateful and try my best to be happy every single day.

Even in the darkest/hardest times, there is so much to be grateful for.

That choice to see the glass-half-full is always there, we just have to choose to see it that way.

CHOOSE to set goals, have a clear vision and purpose for those goals and your life, and eat healthy food to nourish your brain (I follow a ketogenic lifestyle).

CHOOSE to believe in yourself, take action, and don’t ever give up.

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, reduce disease risk factors, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.


FAT Smoothie

Love this @ancientnutritionbone broth protein with some @perfectketones “FAT Smoothie” for when I need to grocery shop, am crunched on time, or just want a healthy smoothie. 😋

If you’re interested in the recipe, see below but you don’t need the same servings of avocado or nuts as I used. You can use half as much 😎

👉🏼1 scoop @ancientnutrition bone broth protein (PB)
👉🏼1 scoop @perfectketones chocolate “keto base”
👉🏼1 avocado
👉🏼massive handfuls kale/spinach
👉🏼1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk in the can
👉🏼1/4 bar 100% cacao baking bar
👉🏼1 oz walnuts
👉🏼1 oz pecans
👉🏼1 tspn @wildfoodsco lions mane mushroom powder
👉🏼 @redmondrealsalt
👉🏼water & ice (this takes experimenting with for your personal presence. I use hand full of ice (5-7 cubes) and then the water part is tricky but start with less at first)

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, reduce disease risk factors, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food? 💚✌️

-Josh p.
DM me or email me josh@joshperrybmx.com

WHO Do YOU Choose To Be?

You’re only destined to become who you choose to be.

I used to be a victim. Would complain about what “isn’t fair”, “why me”, “it must be nice”, and (insert caption).

I used to carry 5-10% more body fat on me at all times and knowingly hurting my brain by making the choice to eat copious amounts of sugar, processed foods, alcohol, juice, breads, pastas, cereals, candy, etc.

I used to blame my reality on anyone and anything but me and my choices. I used to be envious of others success and talk about how “unfair” my life was.

Then one day I learned (brain tumor diagnosis) to become self aware and hold myself accountable for what I did or did not have in my life.

👉🏼I made the choice to become healthy, inside and out.

👉🏼I made the choice to prioritize my brain’s health.

👉🏼I made the choice to have purpose in my life that had an impact on the world and would leave behind a legacy.

👉🏼I made the choice to be great rather than what society told me to be.

👉🏼I made the choice become a survivor, not a victim.

I challenge you all to see the world from a survivors perspective, not a victim. The world doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us. But, we must choose to see it that way.

Choose to be great. Choose to be strong. Choose to be kind. Choose to be wise. Choose to be resilient. Choose to love rather than fear.

Choose to walk your talk. Choose to dismiss the noise saying you can’t.

Carve your path. Fall down 7 times and get up 8.

Set goals. Have a clear vision and purpose. Eat healthy food to nourish your brain (I follow a ketogenic lifestyle). Believe in yourself and take action. Don’t ever give up.💚✌️

📸 @jciake

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, reduce disease risk factors, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food? 💚✌️


-Josh P.


Hop Whips Fueled By Ketones

This hop whip in Hawaii was fueled by ketones and an 18-hr fast. 🔥

Never did I imagine I’d ride BMX for a living let alone travel the world to ride my bike.

This hop whip by the beach in Hawaii has me feeling so much gratitude and appreciation for all my hard work, dedication, sacrifices, and passion in life. 🙏🏼

I also never thought nutrition, fitness, fasting, and ketosis would be as a big part of my life as is it today.

A brain tumor followed by 4 more brain tumors and an ACL injury changed my perspective real quick. I’m grateful for those experiences because I’m now nurturing my brain and body while helping others and connecting with people in BMX & KETO that I look up to to collaborate with.

It’s my passion to share my experiences and help others so they don’t need a catastrophic event to prioritize their brain like I did. 💚✌️

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, reduce disease risk factors, and put cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.


Keto- If I Can YOU Can

I used to eat fast-food, soda, candy, and sushi and now my brain and body actually crave meals like this. Funny how once you make changes externally, changes occur internally you may not believe until you experience it.


Grass-fed burger with some @kerrygoldusa grass-fed cheddar wrapped in lettuce with some @primalkitchenfoods mustard and @chosenfoods mayo and a side of asparagus sautéed in @kerrygoldusa with spices. I believe some avocado was in there after this photo too🔥

Full of healthy fats, moderate protein, and very low-carb. If you’re new to a high-fat or KETO way of eating, you can easily add a side of sweet potato, carrots, beets, berries, or quinoa for some carbs as you transition to fat-adaption.

Although it possible to jump right into KETO, it’s advised to transition into “primal” or “paleo” by eating “smart carbs” as you taper down the carb count to not shock the brain and body. It’s all context, though.

If you’re coming from anywhere close to my old diet (2liter side/day, only fast-food and sushi, candy, pastries, and alcohol daily) then I’d suggest you ease into KETO by lowering your carbs from let’s say 400+g/day to paleo carbs, which will put you at 50-150g/day and be a good transition phase for a few weeks. 💚✌️

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, and putt cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.


Strength Training & Keto

Here’s a look into one of my strength days.


1) power cleans 3×2 light/quick followed by 3×2 heavy

2) circuit of 4 rounds:

👉🏼trap bar deadlifts x6

👉🏼landmine press 8x/side

👉🏼RFE 6x/side

👉🏼bench row 8x/side

I typically focus on strength/lifting 3 days a week and then mix in stability, HIIT, sprints, and ROM 2-3 days a week while riding BMX 4-6 days a week. I typically workout around 8am and do so in a fasted state, or a “fat-fasted” state (meaning I only consumed some fat in the form of MCT oil/ @kerrygold in my coffee).

Full body workouts are the best for stimulating lipolysis (fat burning) and mobilizing the fat.

Although you can get health and body composition benefits from a ketogenic diet, exercise helps increase the rate at which you see and feel the benefits.

Strength training specifically helps burn what’s called glycogen (stored sugar) in the muscles as well as the liver.

In order to get the solar energy production of ketones (by product of burning fat) we have to deplete the glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. A ketogenic diet and exercise is the best way to do this.

Another interesting thing to note is that when someone has a lot of belly fat to remove, there is typically a lot of fat stored in the liver that needs to be burned. This is why some may not notice too much of a change in the belly fat for some time until the liver is cleaned out.

The liver is what produces ketones once glycogen stores are deleted but it also is where fat may be deposited from a poor diet. 💚✌️

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to improve your brain’s health, remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, and putt cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.



I’ve been using @purekana CBD oil for over a month now and it was probably one of the hardest times of my life when I started using it.

My younger brother passed away 5 weeks ago to a tragic gun shot accident. I started using CBD oil for its brain health potential in terms of cancer, tumors, and trauma from injuries and surgeries. I knew of its mental benefits but didn’t expect much in that department. I believe it’s really helped me not get stuck in a dark place of depression, anxiety, and stress.

No, it doesn’t get you “high”. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many “cannabinoids” found in the cannabis plant but unlike tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC), it has no psychoactive properties. Therefore, you don’t get “high” but can receive its natural benefits.

How it works:

👉🏼the brain, immune system, and multiple areas of the body have CBD receptors

👉🏼CBD attaches to these receptors for the byproduct of the below benefits.


👉🏼anti-inflammatory effects

👉🏼reduces chronic pain

👉🏼improves mental disorders

👉🏼reduces seizure risk

👉🏼suppresses cancer growth

👉🏼reduces risk of Alzheimer’s

👉🏼improves symptoms of type 1 diabetes and much more.

Want to learn more about making changes TODAY to remove excess body fat/weight, gain more energy, improve sleep and recovery, clear up inflammation and digestive issues, and putt cravings at bay all while worrying less about food?


-Josh P.