21-Day Meditation Challenge

Following my last post, I’ll be sharing my 21-day meditation journey to focus on the desired outcomes for my life, the steps I feel I need to take, what I’m grateful for, and what resistance to changes I can identify in an effort to pursue those changes.

The only way to get new results is by taking new actions. The subconscious mind is a sneaky and powerful tool we possess that often goes without notice. Becoming conscious to the deep rooted beliefs, thoughts, self-talk, and actions we take is step 1. That’s where meditation, visualization, and reflection come in.

They say you can create new habits, which creates new possibilities, in as little as 21 days. I plan to make this an every day priority for 21 days and further as I have learned and experienced the power of this easy to utilize strategy before.

I find when I slack, that’s when the doubt, worry, and stress come into play while missing the successes I’ve had and the things to be grateful for. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Create Your Path

There’s always a way if there’s a will. It may not be easy. It may not be guaranteed. It may not seem like it’s possible. But if the path you choose is aligned with your life vision and beliefs, and chosen out of love, that path ultimately will manifest success if you keep finding a way to stay on it and never give up.

I’ve been faced with the thought of giving up many times over the years since I left home when I was 17. From injuries, brain tumors, depression, anxiety, being broke, living out of my car, or feeling doubtful, I’ve always managed to find a way to get over the challenge and push through for what I want in my life.

I find it helpful to find other people’s stories that have similar experiences of almost giving up but didn’t. When things got bad enough that they almost broke and gave up, they pushed through a little bit more and that’s when things turned around for them.

I find that it’s those times of resistance in our life that builds up so much and makes us want to give up are the times that we are the closest to achieving whatever it is we are working towards.

Change isn’t always easy for people. The brain is designed to protect us from harm. The problem is that the brain can’t decipher between physical stress and mental stress. So when we live in a state of fear, stress, worry, anxiety, panic, or lack, the brain try’s to protect us from making changes due to the unknown outcomes compared to our current reality. Our current reality is maybe not 100% desirable but it’s what we know and doesn’t require change.

The term neuroplasticity comes into play here big time. It basically means the brain is plastic-like and can be altered when a change is practiced over and over again. Whether it’s mentally and or physically, changes that becomes habit re wire the brain.

Example: if you tell yourself you’re not happy every day for whatever reason it is, you’ll begin to believe this over time and develop a deep rooted belief that you’re not happy. If you choose to say “every day and in every way I’m becoming happier” you’ll see opportunity to become grateful and happy if you make a change, aka delete the negative self-talk and take action to become happier if that’s the desired outcome.

Our life is a manifestation of our choices everyday. We can choose to stay in our ways and not create new paths or beliefs for our lives, or we can choose to create a new path and keep making changes for the desired outcome. It’s as simple as making changes until you are, or on the way to living the life you envision. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Breakfast Is NOT The Most Important Meal Of The Day

By Jackie Lauricella & Josh Perry

What if not eating anything first thing in the morning was actually better for the health of your brain? In fact, skipping meals all together can increase the health benefits and weight removal of a highly nutritious diet. Now considered a fad-diet tagline from miss-informed critics, fasting is a health hack used to increase longevity and quality of life that has been used for thousands of years. Of course, like any meal plan, it varies individually and a progressive approach should be taken, but the core principals of this way of eating and living are guaranteed to enhance your quality of life tremendously.

Before we discuss how to implement this brain-boosting practice, let’s discuss the facts. If you are a “sugar-burner”, aka if your body relies on regular intake of carbohydrates to keep fueled, you are going to NEED to make sure you eat breakfast. If you don’t, you will probably experience a drop in blood sugar (glucose) leaving you feeling cranky, run-down, anxious, depressed, headaches, cravings, and much more. On the other hand, if you are “fat-adapted”, meaning you’re able to burn stored and dietary fat, you can go without eating breakfast, remove unwanted body fat and weight easier than your sugar-burner friend, have more sustained energy, have less risk for disease, slow down the aging process, reduce inflammation in your body and brain, change the expression of your genes, and much more. If you’re a sugar burner, you’re not stuck there and are completely capable of becoming fat-adapted.

 First, why do we fast? Fasting converts fat to fuel through ketone (BHB) production. Ketones are a super fuel for the brain and prevent gluconeogenesis (process of breaking down muscle for glucose/energy) and they are also more efficient in producing ATP (energy your body uses) than glucose. Using ketones, rather than carbs (glucose), for fuel results in inflammation reduction, improved antioxidant function, stimulated growth of new brain cells, and increased mitochondrial growth (energy powerhouses inside each cell of our body). Think of ketones as solar energy and carbohydrates (glucose) as a campfire. Simply put, fasting increases energy production and leads the way to better body and brain function, clarity, and resilience. Fasting also sets you up for effortless weight removal!

How do we become fat-adapted? First, we must eliminate grains, sugars, gluten, alcohol, and refined vegetable oils. Then we replace them with high-quality unrefined fats, moderate amounts of protein, a ton of low-starch above ground veggies, and quality supplements. Then, we to tie it all in by making lifestyle changes to reduce stress and promote weight removal. Finally, we can then incorporate fasting to eliminate cravings, improve mental clarity and optimize your brain.

Email us and let’s talk about optimizing your brain and enhancing your life. BtheChangeInfo@gmail.com

Vitamin D

The perks of working for myself= studying up on brain health, taking client calls, relaxing, and taking in vitamin D all at the same time.

Did you know that Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin and can be absorbed through the eyes from the sun? Learned that in Headstrong by @dave.asprey.


I also learned almost 100% of vitamin D is absorbed through the sun synthesis of vitamin D rather than about 60-70% absorption from supplements from @foundmyfitness in her @paleofx talk. 🤓

That said, the sun can be harmful to people with skin cancer or aging issues that run in their families. Therefor a balance of supplementation, foods rich in vitamin D like whole eggs, and some sunlight is the best way to get the brain health effects of vitamin D.

Brian health benefits of vitamin D include “activating over 900 genes that play a role in fighting/preventing cancer, inflammation, and contrive issues (like dementia and Alzheimer’s)”. @davidperlmutter 💚✌️

-Josh P.

What Defines You?

I recently was asked how I define myself now that I’m no longer competing or pursuing the bmx athlete lifestyle 100% like I was in 2016 and prior. This was a simple yet tough one for me to accept and answer.

The truth is, I’ve learned that nothing other than my decision to define myself defines me. So often do we as a society get caught up in labels and how our work, school, religion, etc. defines us. when it’s just something we believe internally.

Lately I’ve been internally struggling with the passion to ride the best I can and accepting I have other passions and ventures that require my full attention and effort in order to succeed even better than I did with my bmx career. I thought BMX was what defined me but the only thing that defines me is my mind.

I have nothing but love and gratitude for all I’ve been able to accomplish and see in this world through the eyes of a BMX athlete.

That said, I still ride as much as I can and ride at the same level as when I was competing. Why? Because I love it. But, the cool thing is is that there is no pressure to perform at that level if I don’t feel it. My BMx career has also set up the many opportunities I have been presented these last two years and more to come as I continue to live the life I believe in.

-Josh P

Change Starts With You

Be the change YOU want to see is my way of saying “walk your talk”.

I believe a change in perspective to what makes up true health and well-being is needed. I’ve believed this for about 7 years once my perspective shifted.

I learned the change we want to see starts with YOU first. It then begins a ripple effect that is spread to others in and out of our lives. We can’t expect change to take place in others if it’s not been changed within ourselves first.

I’ve taken my interests in holistic health and my experiences battling brain tumors and major injury and combined them into a business where I share my passion in an effort to help others in their journeys to becoming the healthiest and happiest possible. It took being told I’d die to change my perspective and open my mind to new ways of living. I’m grateful for my journey and where it’s led me to today. 💚✌️

– Josh P.

I Have No Obligations To Ride At Any Level

It’s funny how one day off a few years ago would destroy all my confidence.

Today, thanks to training at @athleticlab, my nutrition, and my mind set practices, a week off to focus on my other passions and aspirations in life has no worries on my riding these days.

I ride because I love to ride as I always have. I have no “obligations” to ride at any level because of sponsors, contests, or ego any longer. I made a choice to do things differently with my career these last two years, which doesn’t require me to ride at a professional level what so ever but I love to push myself and do all the tricks I know I can do so I still do what I’m capable of.

It’s funny how when you’re a teenager with one thing on your mind (to make your dream a reality) you never believe people when they say you will acquire new interests as your life goes on.

I’m grateful for all my experiences along my journey because it’s shown me amazing new passions and interests in which I’ve been able to combine BMX with 🙏🏼🙏🏼

-Josh P.

Living To Match Your Vision

Are you living a life that matches your vision?

Or, are you leading a life trying to find the motivation to put the work in because it’s someone else’s vision- either for their past that they regret not taking action for or for what they think is “best” for you due to their own fears and insecurities?

I hear people say they can’t find the motivation for their life. Usually it’s because they lost their vision. Not because they don’t want it. But because they either failed and got scared to try again, never tried in the first place due to fear of failure of it not being a possibility for themselves because someone told them it wasn’t, or because they’re living a life that matches another persona vision other than their own.

When we lead a life that matches our vision, it becomes clear what our goals are, which also creates the motivation we all possess to succeed.

I’ve learned that inspired work creates more success and fulfillment rather than uninspired work that I feel “I have to do” rather than “I get to do”.-

Create a vision for your life, set realistic yet scary goals, believe that you can do it, and take non-stop action! 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Experiences Change Perspectives

My name is Josh Perry and I’m a BMX athlete, multiple brain tumor survivor, and a holistic brain health coach living with 4 brain tumors.

I was diagnosed the first time in 2010 with a tumor taking up the left half of my brain and it was wrapped around a main artery in my brain as well as my optic nerve, which led me to loosing my vision. One day when my vision was ok enough to see I fell while training and hit my head, which led to the MRI that saved my life.

In 2012, the tumor came back in 2 areas due to the complications of the original surgery and Gamma Knife Radio-surgery was selected as the treatment plan moving forward, which led the re-growths to shrink for 2 years until not becoming stabilized-best case scenario for my situation.

My experiences of being an athlete and overcoming brain tumors led me to become passionate about the power of holistic health and share that passion with others in an effort to help them become well.

Now as a coach, I guide my clients to leave behind carbohydrate dependency by optimizing their brain through nutrition, exercise and stress management.

The byproduct of leaving behind carbohydrate decency is also leaving behind what comes with it…so things like weight gain, poor sleep, cravings, poor digestion, systemic inflammation, accelerated cell division and aging, and much more in an effort to heal the brain.

My effort is to guide my clients to success in a much quicker manner than what it took me on my own all those years.

I believe people should not have to suffer the way I did and think that’s it’s just apart of life.

In 2017 I was diagnosed with 2 additional tumors on the opposite side of my brain, which is said to be a result of what they call Neurofibromatosis- a genetic disorder that causes brain and spinal cord tumors.

A year follow up MRI showed those 2 additional tumors actually were stalled in their growth after making drastic shifts to my diet and lifestyle in following a high-fat, low-carb, stress-free (as much as possible) lifestyle. Today I’m thriving and doing what I love and an sharing that passion for life with the world.

-Josh P.

They Say “Healthy Taste Bad”

I laugh when people say “eating healthy doesn’t taste good”.

Jackie made us a local grass-fed roast with cauliflower mash, and carrots for a stew before the cold temperatures went away to be replaced by the NC pollen 😂🙈

I used to get confused by what was “healthy” or not. Especially when it comes to animal products, which require so much more context because they can either be health promoting or health destructive. Same with plant foods. At the end of the day, there is no one way of eating that’s “healthy” for everyone. That said, earring local, organic, and as low-glycemic as you can is the best way to provide nourishment for every cell of your being.

Organic, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, non-gmo, etc. are just marketing. Do your research or talk to someone that has. It’s worth the investment to live a healthy and happy life free from guilt, shame, pain, anger, confusion, and hopelessness. 💚✌️

Oh! Did I mention this is cooked in grass-fed butter (@kerrygoldusa)? Another ignorant misconception I believed-that butter was bad for you. Well, if it’s grain-fed and filled with toxic hormones and antibiotics or refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils, then it’s pretty bad for you. 😂

-Josh P.