Living To Match Your Vision

Are you living a life that matches your vision?

Or, are you leading a life trying to find the motivation to put the work in because it’s someone else’s vision- either for their past that they regret not taking action for or for what they think is “best” for you due to their own fears and insecurities?

I hear people say they can’t find the motivation for their life. Usually it’s because they lost their vision. Not because they don’t want it. But because they either failed and got scared to try again, never tried in the first place due to fear of failure of it not being a possibility for themselves because someone told them it wasn’t, or because they’re living a life that matches another persona vision other than their own.

When we lead a life that matches our vision, it becomes clear what our goals are, which also creates the motivation we all possess to succeed.

I’ve learned that inspired work creates more success and fulfillment rather than uninspired work that I feel “I have to do” rather than “I get to do”.-

Create a vision for your life, set realistic yet scary goals, believe that you can do it, and take non-stop action! 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Experiences Change Perspectives

My name is Josh Perry and I’m a BMX athlete, multiple brain tumor survivor, and a holistic brain health coach living with 4 brain tumors.

I was diagnosed the first time in 2010 with a tumor taking up the left half of my brain and it was wrapped around a main artery in my brain as well as my optic nerve, which led me to loosing my vision. One day when my vision was ok enough to see I fell while training and hit my head, which led to the MRI that saved my life.

In 2012, the tumor came back in 2 areas due to the complications of the original surgery and Gamma Knife Radio-surgery was selected as the treatment plan moving forward, which led the re-growths to shrink for 2 years until not becoming stabilized-best case scenario for my situation.

My experiences of being an athlete and overcoming brain tumors led me to become passionate about the power of holistic health and share that passion with others in an effort to help them become well.

Now as a coach, I guide my clients to leave behind carbohydrate dependency by optimizing their brain through nutrition, exercise and stress management.

The byproduct of leaving behind carbohydrate decency is also leaving behind what comes with it…so things like weight gain, poor sleep, cravings, poor digestion, systemic inflammation, accelerated cell division and aging, and much more in an effort to heal the brain.

My effort is to guide my clients to success in a much quicker manner than what it took me on my own all those years.

I believe people should not have to suffer the way I did and think that’s it’s just apart of life.

In 2017 I was diagnosed with 2 additional tumors on the opposite side of my brain, which is said to be a result of what they call Neurofibromatosis- a genetic disorder that causes brain and spinal cord tumors.

A year follow up MRI showed those 2 additional tumors actually were stalled in their growth after making drastic shifts to my diet and lifestyle in following a high-fat, low-carb, stress-free (as much as possible) lifestyle. Today I’m thriving and doing what I love and an sharing that passion for life with the world.

-Josh P.

They Say “Healthy Taste Bad”

I laugh when people say “eating healthy doesn’t taste good”.

Jackie made us a local grass-fed roast with cauliflower mash, and carrots for a stew before the cold temperatures went away to be replaced by the NC pollen 😂🙈

I used to get confused by what was “healthy” or not. Especially when it comes to animal products, which require so much more context because they can either be health promoting or health destructive. Same with plant foods. At the end of the day, there is no one way of eating that’s “healthy” for everyone. That said, earring local, organic, and as low-glycemic as you can is the best way to provide nourishment for every cell of your being.

Organic, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, non-gmo, etc. are just marketing. Do your research or talk to someone that has. It’s worth the investment to live a healthy and happy life free from guilt, shame, pain, anger, confusion, and hopelessness. 💚✌️

Oh! Did I mention this is cooked in grass-fed butter (@kerrygoldusa)? Another ignorant misconception I believed-that butter was bad for you. Well, if it’s grain-fed and filled with toxic hormones and antibiotics or refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils, then it’s pretty bad for you. 😂

-Josh P.

It’s A Miracle We’re Alive

Are you living a life you desire and believe in, or are you living life for someone or something else?

Momentum and success start with a clear vision and then progress with gratitude, perseverance, and choices.

If it’s fear holding you back, it’s quite simple. Do you want the outcome that fear provides, or do you want the outcome that your heart desires?

If is the latter, then take action and focus only on change and that desired outcome.

When you lead a life you believe in and do it with gratitude, the possibilities are endless. You may also inspires others among the way. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Trust the Process

CANNONBALL! 🙃 I learned this trick when I was about 16 and it was one of the scariest tricks I could do at the time.

It’s all about timing and trust. You have to time it just right for when you jump off and let the bike go away as you reach for the seat because if you do it too early, the bike goes up and flys away from you before you can grab the seat.

I’d be 50/50 when I was younger with the timing because I was afraid of waiting for the right time and would end up missing my seat. Now that I’ve had over a decade of practice, I now trust the timing and technique of the trick allowing me to jump off and reach for the seat at the right time, which allows the seat to be in the correct position for my hands to catch it.

This technique of the “Cannonball” can apply to life. Most things (goals, dreams, visions), especially those that we desire and are not a current reality, are possible once we let go of the fear of failure and just trust the timing and patience will allow for success.

I can relate to this analogy so well and not only because I relate BMX to anything in life 😂 but because I see it show up in my life on a daily basis. When I fear failure or get impatient for whatever reason, I have to remind myself that timing and trusting the process will lead to success. When I trust in my actions aligning with my vision, I then see great success with my vision manifesting.

The things we desire are already created and waiting for us to align our beliefs and actions with them. It’s easy to not believe the things we desire are not possible for us because the resistance that presents itself to make a change (take action for the things we desire that we do not have yet) has costs that our egos protect us from. Those costs are usually psychological and non threatening, but our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between an actual threat and a made up mental threat we call fear.

This leads to a stress hormone response in the body that promotes raised levels of cortisol, which create havoc in the body and causes cravings. But, that’s for another post. 😎

Bottom line, set an intention for your life, trust the process, and continue taking action that aligns with your hearts desire. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

How Do You Handle Fear?

What’s your take on fear? Are you living a life someone else wants or expects you to live because you fear failure, judgement, or letting “them” down?

My belief is that fear is just a thought that comes from past experiences and external sources regarding our current state and the future, which is unknown.

So many of us find ourselves living in fear out of necessity. Society tells us to have a backup plan, a “plan b”, or to take the “safe” route, which they don’t tell you is just as guaranteed for you to find success as you making your own path. It all comes down to your choices, beliefs, and vision.

It’s not always easy and I can surely resonate with that. But, I find I’m happier, healthier, and more successful when I follow my heart and vision for the live I want to live. I could have stayed on the path I was heading and I would have had my own landscaping business on Cape Cod long ago but that wouldn’t have led me to happiness or fulfillment, shown me the world, or led me to who I am today.

Don’t settle for suffering in the moment because it’s familiar, maybe not desirable but it’s what you know and easier than the resistance to go against the norm. Rather than staying where you are out of fear for failure, judgment, letting others expectations down, etc., make changes for the life YOU envision for yourself no matter who says you can’t. If anyone ever did anything you want to, then you know you can too!

If it’s fear that’s holding you back, it’s really quite simple. Not easy, but simple. Do YOU want the outcome fear provides, or do you want the outcome your heart desires. If it’s the latter, than make changes in your life to match that vision and go get what YOU deserve. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

🎥 @brianeyesdesign

🎶 @rowlan

They Think I have Neurofibromatosis

I live with 4 separate brain tumors. They estimate I have what’s called “neurofibomarosis”, which is just a fancy way of saying I have a genetic disorder that causes brain and spinal meningioma tumors.

Luckily I just have brian tumors. The only way to know for sure, though, is through a biopsy but I don’t need the risk and toxins of opening my skull. I just do what the research shows as ways to stunt and prevent cancer and tumors growth. Hence, my passion for holistic health and nutrition.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that health is internal. Not just numbers on a scale or piece of paper. Had I followed the ER and urgent care doctors advice, to take pain pills, and not fallen and hit my head in 2010, I’d never had received an MRI or found the tumor.

My surgeon said I most likely wouldn’t have woken up one day soon if it were not fall and hitting my head due to the size of the giant mass taking over my brain.

If you feel as if something is wrong regwrdless of someone telling you “you’re fine” without looking deeper, push to get the testing done to gain clarity rather than suffering both mentally and physically like I did believing I was “normal” and that’s what I had to look forward to the rest of my life. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

I Was A Sugar Addict

Admitting I was a sugar addict took me some time to admit.

But the more I learned about brain health and saw this statement show up, the more I accepted how I was addicted to sugar and didn’t even realize it. The more I learned, the more I found it in pretty much everything I was eating. “Healthy” or not.

From “healthy juice” and whole grain cereal with skim milk to the massive amounts of carbohydrates “you’re supposed to consume for energy” as an athlete and the fast-food, soda and sports drinks, ice cream treats from sonic and MC Donald’s, microwaveable meals, frozen foods, etc. it was in everything!

Once I cut the sugar out completely, and all the sugar laden processed carbs, the better I started to feel and think, the more positive changes to the way I thought and dealt with stress appeared, and the excesses fat I was carrying around effortlessly melted away.

The best change I noticed was how the headaches left, the mental clarity improvements, the digestive improvement, and the mid-day energy crash leading to cravings in the evening were no longer a daily thing and sustained energy on less volume of food was my new reality.

There’s more context to this equation than just eliminating sugar, like adding in healthy fats (especially first thing in the morning) and eliminating the excessive drinking I was doing that I didn’t know I was subconsciously addicted to because it relieved the pressure from my brain that was causing the headaches due to the unknown brian tumor & so much more.

Personally, the carbs/sugars I consume are from berries, above and below ground veggies (sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, and cabbage are my favorites), nuts/seeds, and raw honey from time to time.

Bottom line, processed sugar &a Foods has no place in human diets. This doesn’t mean once you clean up your nutrition that things like wild, organic and local berries, raw local honey, veggies, below ground veggies, and other local fruit don’t belong, because they can. It’s all a matter of their origin, your goals, and how YOU react to them. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Survivor, Not Victim

BMX has shaped my life more than I ever could have fathomed.

Loss of vision, debilitating headaches to where i’d throw up and not be able to function qualified me for drugs that we say we have an “issue” wth in our country but didn’t qualify me for an MRI…

One day while training back in Greneville, Nc, I fell and hit my head, which led to an MRI that i’ll never forget.

The doctor explained how they found a giant mass on the left side of my brain and that I’d probably never ride my bike again. That’s when my world shut down for a moment in time. But my vision for my life kept me strong and motivated to keep moving forward with this potential life ended as just a speed bump that wouldn’t stop me.

I’m grateful for BMX. Im grateful for that crash that saved my life and found the tumor. I’m grateful for that diagnosis. Why? Because it all shifted my perspective on life in more than one amazing way.

We all have a choice when life doesn’t go our way. We can choose to be a survivor and use it as a learning opportunity, or, we can choose to let it take control over us and live in fear as a victim rather than a survivor.

Life is all about choices and perspective.

What’s your choice, to be a survivor or a victim? 💚✌️

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake

The Destination Is Not Final

Tag a friend who needs to see this!

The journey is not always a walk in the park. The journey is always evolving and presenting challenges.

That said, each challenge presents an opportunity to become conscious to our courage and strength that we posses as well as learn how to move forward one step closer to our goals.

To me, goals are not a final destination. They are steps we strive to take on the journey we call life.

I find myself getting stressed or anxious when I don’t see momentum or progress but then I return to my vision. My vision reminds me that my goals are not final rather they are tools to keep me motivated and pushing forward. I may not see progress in the immediate moment but my vision allows me to reflect on where I started and reminds me that my actions have set my vision in motion and to trust the process.

When we let go of control, we can let go of fear, stress, and worry as well as allow the manifestation process take place. When we let go of “reaching a destination” we can embrace the journey and stay on path to success. It’s all a matter of perspective and choices to take action in the direction your heart desires. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake