
Do you believe in luck?

I don’t. I believe in doing the work to be prepared for the endless opportunities we’re surrounded by to create the life we envision. “Luck” is just when all those things align and you take action.

There’s not one thing I’d consider “lucky” about my life.

The difference in why I’m living the life I want and how I want to is because I was willing to grind through physical and mental pain, never give up, never lose sight of my purpose, and always have been really clear on what I will accept or decline in my life.

If we say others are lucky or “it must be nice” then I believe we are discrediting our own potential to foster success under our terms for our lives. We’re lacking accountability for our reality and we’re subconsciously programming our mind to not accept the fact we can have the life we desire.

Our thoughts, words, and actions are all powerful.

All I’ve been doing to become “lucky” is audit the 3 of them and preserve through obstacles to live life on my terms.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

What’s Luck?

People say I’m “lucky” but, am I? Or am I not afraid to go after what most won’t? Am I not afraid to NOT give up? It’s all perspective and mine is to take action for what I want and to live the life I want.

I’m not “lucky”. I work, HARD. I don’t believe in luck, I believe in taking action.  I may not have a “9-5” but I work harder than if and when I did. I bust my ass on and off my bike to live the life I have. I wasn’t gifted with anything unless you look at both positive and negative experiences as gifts, which I do.

It’s the lessons and skills I’ve learned and acquired from all the experiences in my life that have allowed me to navigate through life how I want and only how I want. I have begun to trust the process, trust and enjoy the journey, and embrace every moment as an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

I have also surrounded myself with people that are encouraging, positive, loving, in the same energy as I am, and motivated. I encourage you all to change your perspective on life and try to see the good and the opportunity in every situation you come across.

There is no “bad” unless you allow it to be true. Would you rather be right or would you rather succeed?

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake