
Incredibly grateful for this woman bringing Danny and I into the world.

Grateful for the amazing things she’s instilled in us from working hard, not judging others for anything other than their character, how to budget but also how to reward ourselves appropriately, how to be strong and positive even when facing the hardest times in our lives, how to treat others we care about, and how to love life as much as we can.

Grateful for her being my number 1 fan and supporter my entire life and never allowing me to doubt myself no matter what I was going through.

My mom has always told me “go big and fly high” and has never let me not see the possibilities for my life when I give it my all and don’t give up.

To say I love and appreciate this woman is, of course, a given but doesn’t come close to expressing the true love and appreciation I have for my mom and all she’s been through in her life and all she’s done for my brother and I.

I love you, mom.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️