Sad But True

This is pretty ridiculous but sadly spot on to the direction our society is heading.

What’s even sadder is the fact that many people don’t even have control over it because their brain is being hijacked by the biological affects of the foodlikeproducts our nation consumes on a regular basis, making up for over 75% of diets and is full of sugar.

I was once there but luckily for me, and my genetic predisposition, I stayed “in-shape” and was “healthy”. At least I thought I was healthy.

The inflamed state of my body from such a processed diet, along with mutated genes and specific negative genes activated, led me to being diagnosed with a non cancerous meningioma brain tumor.

Since then, I have made some serious changes to my lifestyle and diet and I share this with all of you to inspire each and every one of you to make just one small change to your lifestyle and diet that could have such a profound impact you’ll never fathom until experienced.

You don’t need to be perfect or do it all at once. Just adopt one small change here and there, and stick to it, and share what you experience with others.

@nutritionschool refers to this as the ripple affect and I have seen it take place on a regular basis in my life.

Love your body and treat it right. You won’t be disappointed.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️