Financial Stories

This trip meant the world to me to have documented.

In the past, I would make decisions by the short term gain vs loss.

I used to be crippled to the lack of money I had and my choices would be dictated by the fear of “not having enough”. That meant I missed out on seeing a lot of my family and friends a lot of the time because although I was laser focused on my BMX career, and successful, I wasn’t making much more money than my basic needs.

I’ve learned that was a simple perspective piece based on past subconscious programming that manifested this past relationship with money.

Today, I’ve thrown out the mentality of being limited by what’s in my bank account, not being to manifest more than “average”, and have swapped it out for the belief we live based on the limits we believe in for ourselves.

I’ve taken massive risks over the years, gone all in on what I believe in today, and made choices based on what’s best for my long game and my soul.

Taking the money I have after basic living needs is usually saved up to reinvest back in my business.

This time, I wanted to use that money for the people I love, now that my belief system is one of love, health, happiness, success, and abundance.

It’s always been a dream of mine to fly in with no notice to surprise my family and best friend (Brandon) and take Brandon and my dad to a Celtics game.

I was able to do that a few weeks ago and it was a byproduct of my belief and hard work for the life I envision.

Nothing more.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Post-SPECT Scan Supplements

Part 2 of my trip to @doc_amen with @ryanplowery for SPECT scans of our brains drops tomorrow at 330pm EST.

The post-SPECT scan supplement line up, until we get the results of all the blood work that was ordered, is pictured here. UPDATED list next week.

Just a quality DHA/EPA Omega supplement can do wonders for anyone’s 🧠 health, let alone someone with past trauma (mental or physical) and/or toxicity (sugar, alcohol, mold, drugs, alcohol, etc.) to their brain.

Mixing that up with @doc_amen @brainmdhealth Brain & Memory Power Boost supplement to promote blood flow in the 🧠 can be very powerful along with a healthy lifestyle of a low-glycemic diet, healthy mental practice, and living a regular active lifestyle.

Check out my vlog part 1 from visiting @doc_amen for a SPECT scan on my IGtv and get ready for part 2 tomorrow sharing all the data and results with a deep dive into the 🧠 and how all the above mention information really plays out on the 🧠 based on imaging rather than opinion.

I’m really proud to join my brother @ryanplowery in becoming the first to look at the brain under SPECT with @justpruvit exogenous ketones in an effort to help all of YOU even further with hard facts and sound evidence that you can see in real time.

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE and stop talking about it. TAKE ACTION and back up your words.

I want to make a difference and I’m investing everything I have emotionally, financially, spiritually, and

physically to see that change manifest in my reality.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Our Eyes Are Projectors

“Our eyes are not only viewers, they’re projectors.” -Jim Carrey

I love Jim and have always been a fan of him since I was a kid.

His statement is so true and anyone that’s accomplish a goal, no matter how big or small, can confirm this.


Because, it took some level of focus and visualization to make that goal manifest into your reality.

It can be clearer for making dreams come true, or things beyond what we ever fathomed becoming our reality, as I have during my BMX career.

All I did was think about BMX, dream BMX, watch BMX contest and videos, talk about BMX, and TAKE ACTION on my BMX bike.

Not only was the emotional and psychological aspect of manifesting a goal or dream there, I also took non stop action every single day possible.

We can create the realities we want or don’t want. It all comes back to what we see in our minds.

All the greatest in sports focus on visualizing their actions, especially when it comes time to compete and test all the “homework” done at home when no ones watching.

Think back to any “good” or “bad” experience in your life and really audit your mindset, actions, beliefs, words spoken, and how it resulted. Was it aligned with those mindsets, actions, beliefs, and words spoken, even if it wasn’t the desired result?

If it’s a yes, then think of how you could spin it for what you want.

My biggest problem along my journey with manifestation the life I desired was the patience piece and I find that’s way more prevalent in today’s society with everything being so instant.

It won’t happen over night but you’ll be surprised how quickly changes are made in your life when you audit and change your mindset, words, and actions.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Photo by @jciake

It’s All Perspective

Perspective is essential to life. “Life is 10% of what happened to us and 90% of how we respond.” “Life doesn’t happen to us, life happens for us.” Both quotes come from different people but underline the same choice & that’s a choice in perspective that we have every single day, no matter what. We all face this choice with every part of our lives.

This choice can not be taken from us unless we decided to give it up.

We can choose how we decide to see the world, see our lives & we see the events that place one way over another, good or bad, with the simple act of thought.

Glass half full over glass half empty. “Failure” over an opportunity to learn and grow.

It’s all perspective.

Now, I could have given up on more than 2 handful of occasions but good would that have done for me & my vision for my life?

It wouldn’t have done any good & would have actually put me further back from reaching my goals & potential to help others.

I also can’t stress enough how gratitude fuels the shift in perspective & leads to abundance.

When I was faced with a death sentence at the pinnacle of my dream BMX career & just turned 21, I first went to fear, worry, & what I call “victimville” but my family, the BMX community, learning of @lancearmstrong, & my own desire to live my life on my own terms wouldn’t allow that choice in fear.

My perspective quickly shifted to that of gratitude to still be alive, have the love & support of many around the world, & most importantly, a chance to fight to make my tomorrow better & continue living my life.

I often hear friends, family, & strangers complaining of how “hard” life is, how much life “sucks”, or “it must be nice” when in reality, every single person that is conscious & breathing has something to be grateful for.

I challenge you all to focus on just ONE thing you’re grateful for each day & really feel it deep down. That emotional state you find yourself in can change you life as it’s changed mine.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

You Are Not Alone.

You’re not alone.

You’re not broken.

You’re not weird.

You have nothing to feel embarrassed about.

You have no reason not to attack each day with the same enthusiasm as before any bit of adversity faced you head on.

No one can take away the same choice we all have within us and that’s our mindset.

We choose what to believe in, what to focus our thoughts on, and what mental exercising we choose to participate in each day.

For me, the choice of gratitude to still be alive and have the opportunity to make my tomorrow better keeps me going. To believe in the fact that our mind and eyes are much more than viewers but how they’re also projectors for our lives.

To believe shit could always be worse if we’re alive, breathing, and have the luxuries of walking, talking, seeing, having clean running water, not being hungry, having clean clothing and a bed to sleep in, having a device in which we’re reading this post, and all the other things we tend to take for granted as living human beings.

No matter what hardship you’re facing, you’re not alone. Others, like myself, can relate to many forms of hardship and are here to support you however we can.

YOU just have to CHOOSE to find the courage to reach out for support and keep moving forward for what you want in your life.

Josh P. 💚🧠✌️

Second Chances

I had a large brain tumor taking over my life and 4 currently trying.

Health is internal.

I learned the hard way after a BMX crash led to a life-saving MRI where they found the first tumor taking over half my brain.

Wrapped around an artery and my optic nerve, the surgery complications led to a 6hr surgery. When I woke up, it was the best moment in my life.

Almost like second chance.

For the first time in about a year or so, I wasn’t in pain and could see, hear, and move my body after signing paperwork acknowledging all those risks on top of death being a possibility.

The story doesn’t end there and to be short, I’ve been diagnosed 2 more times since the original surgery leaving me with a total of 4 tumors in my skull today. 2 in which shrunk thanks to Gamma Knife and the other 2 haven’t progressed since changing my life.

The last 8 years of experiences have led me to a ketogenic diet and lifestyle, learning about the importance of mindset, perspective, choices, the ego, and consciousness, and has given me clarity around my purpose.

-Josh P. 💚✌️

Thanks to Mark Metry for the conversation and opportunity to share! 💯🙏🏼

Adapt Your Life Speech

Honored and privileged to speak at Dr Eric Westman’s Keto Summit last weekend. 🙏🏼

I got to show my recent video for Gladiator Mouthguards thanks to Madicarus Media before I went on the stage. 🙌🏼

I shared my story of ditching school and my job when I was 17 to move to North Carolina for my BMX dream, and how a crash one day saved my life because it revealed a massing tumor taking over my brain. Had I not fallen, I’d be dead after suffering even more than I already had. 🌀

I shared about how Gamma Knife Radio Treatment shrunk 2 re-occurring tumors due to the original tumor wrapping around an artery and my optic nerve.

I shared how this whole brain tumor experience led me to a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, and adopting it as a new way of life for me after I was diagnosed for a third time in 2017 with 2 additional tumors on the opposite side of my brain.

Today, I live with 4 brain tumors, coach others, speak around the world, and ride BMX at the same level as I did when I made top ten in the UCI x Fise WORLD Tour in 2016 as my last year competing.💪🏽

This journey taught me 3 things:

👉🏼 perspective is essential.

👉🏼 health is internal.

👉🏼 our reality is a manifestation of our choices.

-Josh P. 💚✌️

Want help improving your health, removing excess body fat, increasing sustainable energy levels, &/or support with reducing inflammation?

Go to www.KetoBrains “dot com” to enroll in my 12-week program.

You’ll get:

👉🏼life-lasting tools & results that are enjoyable, efficient, and simple.

👉🏼 personalized meal plans

👉🏼 weekly coaching calls with me to ensure you’re always supported

👉🏼 personal fitness plans

👉🏼 VIP Facebook group access

DM me or 📲 for questions


It’s the vision that allows us to keep moving forward in life even when we don’t feel like it.

Resistance doesn’t feel good but that usually means one of two things: either you’re on the path to a new outcome and resistance is appearing because of new actions, which triggers the ego to go into “protection” mode from a unknown outcome. Or, it’s because you’re doing something you don’t believe in to fulfill someone else’s vision.

Resistance is where people usually get stuck. They either give up when they feel any resistance because they fear failure or their ego is so strong in protecting them from the unknown that they settle for suffering in the moment because it’s familiar, even though it’s undesirable.

Are you taking action to get one step closer to living your vision, and what resistance do you see show up regularly? 💚✌️

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake

Keto Friendly Beverage

16 months ago I was diagnosed with 2 new brain tumors, totally 4 in my skull.

That’s when I took the “ketogenic diet” serious and started studying and applying it 100% in my life.

Not just the foods but the lifestyle around the keto benefits, which includes; proper training (no chronic high heart rate training), mindfulness practices (meditation, stress management, doing what I love every day), optimizing my sleep by getting 6-8 hours a night, eating specific foods at specific times, not having specific stimulating lights from screens (TV, iPhones, etc.) in my life at specific times before bed, and learning new things to keep my brain adapting and promoting neuroneogenisus (growth of new neurons and networks).

That said, @kevitadrinks makes an amazing low-calorie and low-carbohydrate beverage full of probiotics and flavor. It’s what helped me kick my sugar/soda habit that I had years ago and keeps cravings at bay. A great choice for those looking for a tasty beverage while watching their carb intake for utilizing keto or living in the keto-adapted lifestyle.

The ketogenic diet is not just a fad or get quick results one and done type of plan. It’s a lifestyle shift that takes time to adapt to properly and takes commitment but should never entail suffering of any kind and isn’t always a long-term plan, more like a tool to utilize when necessary. It doesn’t happen over night and can take 21-days to 6-weeks for people to adapt properly depending on their past history and genetics. The goal is not to be in ketosis. The goal is to become fat & keto-adapted and use ketosis as an annual clean up and day to day tool that can be easily implemented.

This ensures that your body and brain knows what to do with all the ketones it’s producing, burns stored body fat, no longer depends on a constant supply of carbohydrates/glucose, and helps fight disease, slow the aging process down, supports the brain, improves sleep quality, reduces inflammation, and so much more.

It really comes down to hormone control from the choices we have every day, which is what we choose to put in our mouths. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

Adversity Cultivates Success

I was 21 when I was told I would never ride my bike again.

That’s the day I was also told I would die unless my head was cut open to remove a massive tumor taking up half my brain. Even then, I still had a chance I may not make it out alive.

This was one of the many challenges I have faced in life and not the first circumstance that put the fragility of my life into perspective.

I later learned, life is full of gifts in the form of adversity and it’s all a matter of perspective. I have overcome injuries, financial instability, abuse, cancer, heartbreak, living in my car, on couches, or in hallway closets, and even depression.

What most of us don’t seem to see, is that we all have choices. We have a choice to believe the things we’re told or to dismiss them as noise. We have a choice to see all of the abundance and success within our lives, or we can choose to see the failures, set-backs, and the things we lack in our lives.

We have a choice to give up or fight back to beat the odds. Prove people wrong and prove our support right. Some choices are hard to make. But those are the ones that mold who we are today. It’s these choices that make us stronger…and wiser…and allow us to grow. I believe it’s not the cards we are dealt, rather it’s how we CHOOSE to play those cards that determine the outcome of our lives.

Sometimes we fall down in life. It’s these falls that are some of the most important learning opportunities for us. Not failures; learning lessons on the path to success.

But, it’s how we choice get back up that defines us and determines our future. Not our past times when we fell down or failed. We’re defined by how we CHOOSE to move forward in life.

Adversity cultivates success and life is all about choices.

So choose wisely. 💚✌️