Trust The Process

“When we focus on results, we don’t get change.

When we focus on change, we get results”


I heard this quote in 2013 by a dietician while enrolled in the Institue for Integrative Nutrition, and it has stuck with me since. I believe in it so much that I have aligned my life, goals,  and all my actions around this quote.


I must admit, I was skeptical of change providing me the results I desired for a while at first and didn’t want to make some necessary changes I knew I needed to make. My ego stepped in and told me that being settled into what I was familiar with, even though I was not happy, was better than the unknown.


I began to put my faith in this quote once I started to make some much needed and long overdue changes in my life. Whether they were difficult or easy, I started to see the small changes take place in my life and then the results followed. It was enough to make me a believer and since fully believing, I see so much progression in terms of results.


I noticed along the way that when I get cocky and comfortable with my ways, I begin to get anxious and stressed out. My mind and body don’t like to be stagnant, and goals don’t like this either. I am a big lover of discipline and my routines, but I know full heartedly now that change is inevitable and the more we fight change, the more tension and resistance we create along the path to achieving the results we want.


Once I get back to implementing change into my routine while still fostering discipline,  the stress, fear, and anxieties disappear.


If we are only interested in results, we defeat the purpose. The process is the purpose. There is no destination. We are always evolving, internally and externally, and must embrace the journey because, at the end of the day, the journey is, in fact, the “destination”.



-Josh P.

Let Go Pt. 2

These are great lessons I’ve learned over the years and continue to bring amazing people, experiences, and opportunities into my life. 2 years ago I met Jackie for the first time and she worked her athletic-training magic on me. Little did I know that we would become best friends with so much more in common than I’ve ever experienced with someone from the opposite sex. From fitness and nutrition to sports, to universal energy and alien talks, she gets me and the way my brain works and vice versa.

Lesson 1: what’s done is done and the only thing you can do now is choose how you want to move forward. Don’t let your past define who you are or sway you from happiness.

Lesson 2: be grateful for what you have and to be alive. It’s easy to compare our lives to others without knowing the whole story and then feel discouraged or that we lack things. It’s ok to strive for more, but how can you expect to obtain more when you’re not coming from a place of gratitude?

Lesson 3: again, strive for more. That is not greedy or selfish. That’s progression. Life is full of that. Just look around and think about how life was even 5 years ago. Don’t worry about the past or the future, be present and set goals for the future. Don’t get married to an idea or a “plan”. Plan and set goals, of course, but don’t stress it when things don’t go to plan or they change. That’s the journey at its finest. Embrace it. Embrace the unknown, the fear, the uncomfortable, and the changes that will take place. It’s all about the journey, never the destination. 💚✌️

-Josh P.

What’s Luck?

People say I’m “lucky” but, am I? Or am I not afraid to go after what most won’t? Am I not afraid to NOT give up? It’s all perspective and mine is to take action for what I want and to live the life I want.

I’m not “lucky”. I work, HARD. I don’t believe in luck, I believe in taking action.  I may not have a “9-5” but I work harder than if and when I did. I bust my ass on and off my bike to live the life I have. I wasn’t gifted with anything unless you look at both positive and negative experiences as gifts, which I do.

It’s the lessons and skills I’ve learned and acquired from all the experiences in my life that have allowed me to navigate through life how I want and only how I want. I have begun to trust the process, trust and enjoy the journey, and embrace every moment as an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

I have also surrounded myself with people that are encouraging, positive, loving, in the same energy as I am, and motivated. I encourage you all to change your perspective on life and try to see the good and the opportunity in every situation you come across.

There is no “bad” unless you allow it to be true. Would you rather be right or would you rather succeed?

-Josh P.

📸 @jciake

Fear Is Just A Thought (2)

Fear is Just a Thought. 

When you face a challenge or obstacle in life, or when you’re given a death sentence diagnosis, fear is completely understandable. I’ve learned that we have 2 choices, though. Choose fear or choose gratitude and love. 

Your thoughts are your responsibility and choice. No one and nothing other than you have the control to make up your mind. That’s 100% you and what you decide to think. Life can be challenging or it can be easy, it all depends on your perspective on life with the experiences you encounter. 

I could have easily gone with fear, felt sorry for myself after being diagnosed or with other situations in my life, and just crawled in a hole and gave up. I wasn’t able to, though. I was so focused on riding my bike again and had/have a massive amount of love & gratitude for my life, and that feeling & thought is what fueled my drive to live and succeed. 

I visualized what I do so much that I would have dreams of riding and could feel it while laying in that hospital bed focusing on getting past that brain tumor surgery and riding my bike again. 

I had amazing support from others, which is so crucial, so now I am that support system to anyone of you, as well as an example that we can beat the odds and do what we dream of when we truly set our minds to something. 

-Josh P.

Fear Is Just A Thought

“A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves insecure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort.”

Fear is just a thought. Once we can remove fear from our mind and vocabulary, and live in gratitude, there is no longer such a thing as taking a risk. That risk taking just becomes something we feel deep down that we must do like it’s just a way of life. We create the lives we want, whether or not we are conscious of it. Fear is something I deal with on a daily basis as a BMX athlete but I decide whether or not I give into it.

I’ve had to learn to acknowledge if it’s coming from me, a past experience, an anxious thought, or if it’s coming from another source. Not every day is the same and it’s a constant battle of the mind, but each day gets better and better. I challenge you all to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk, rather, take a step in the direction of your dreams.